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SME Total Package

The SME Total Package is specially designed for SMEs. With this package you insure your company against the most important risks.

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Because every business is different, you can decide which risks you want to insure for yourself, your company and your employees.

You can insure the various risks through alpina.nl with the SME Total Package.

When taking out an SME Total Package, you can choose from several insurance policies for your business.

Building insurance

Building insurance insures your business premises. This includes, for example, damage caused by fire, precipitation, steam, leakage, burglary, a falling object or a collision. The insured amount is based on the reconstruction value (repair costs) of the building.

Disability insurance

With disability insurance, you secure income in the event of disability. Your income is protected against the financial consequences of disability. With this insurance you can limit your income loss and have more financial security for your business.

Corporate Liability Insurance

If you or one of your employees causes damage to (the belongings of) another person, that person can claim compensation. With the business liability insurance you are insured against these kinds of costs. Both property damage and personal injury are covered. Damage to property is damage due to loss or damage of items. Personal injury is damage caused by injury or death.

Environmental damage insurance

Environmental damage insurance is a business insurance policy that covers the cost of environmental damage. This can be either environmental damage at your own location or environmental damage you cause at someone else's. Environmental damage caused by someone else at your location is also covered. Environmental damage is caused, for example, by contaminated fire extinguishing water, asbestos particles, leaking diesel or certain cleaning agents that contain harmful substances.

Accident Insurance

Employee accident insurance insures you against accidents at work and during commuting. When an employee becomes permanently disabled or dies due to an accident, this insurance pays a lump sum. You take out this insurance specifically for your employees. Employees also include hired workers such as trainees and temporary workers.

Legal expenses insurance

With legal assistance insurance for companies, you are assured of professional legal assistance when, for example, a dispute, with a client or the government, leads to a legal problem. You decide for which legal problems you insure yourself. By default, you are insured for legal assistance for the recovery of property or personal injury. Disputes concerning the performance of entrepreneurial activities are also covered. In addition, you can opt for an extra extensive variant and you can supplement legal assistance insurance with coverage: agricultural, traffic and collection assistance.

Corporate car insurance

All car owners are required by law to insure their car from the moment the registration number is in their name. This, of course, also applies to cars used for business purposes. Third-party insurance is the most important and mandatory part of business car insurance. The abbreviation WA stands for legal liability. This coverage ensures that damages are compensated to the other party when you are liable.

All about SME insurance

Which SME insurances do you need?

The insurance you need depends on your situation. The advantage of the SME total package is that you have one point of contact for all business insurance.

In addition, the coverage of the various insurance policies is aligned. As a result, there is no overlap between the insurance policies.

When you purchase an insurance package, you benefit from package discounts, which means you spend less on your business insurance.

Business interruption insurance

Building insurance and inventory and goods insurance cover the direct damage caused by the fire. But the damage was much greater in this case because the clothing shop had to close down temporarily. The loss of turnover was compensated by the consequential loss insurance. How does it work?

  • The business interruption insurance covers lost net profit. This is calculated by averaging past turnover figures.
  • You are entitled to be reimbursed for ongoing fixed costs including the salaries of employees and yourself.
  • You will also receive compensation for additional costs you incur after a fire or other covered disaster. For example, the costs of temporarily renting another building. Or to hire extra staff to help solve the damage. Additional communication costs will also be reimbursed. After all, the insurance company would like to see you earning your own living again quickly.

Communicating changes is important

When you apply for insurance or if you have a claim, you have to answer questions. You must answer these questions honestly. In addition, you should do as much as possible to prevent and limit damage. Report damage as soon as possible! It is also important to inform us of any changes.

Easy calculation and conclusion

Through our website you can easily calculate premiums. After entering some data, a number of insurance policies will appear, tailored to your input, with the corresponding premiums and policy conditions. You can compare these. If you have found a suitable insurance, you can take it out immediately. Are you having problems or do you have any questions? Then you can contact us. You can reach us by phone at 088 - 688 37 12.

SME Insurances

As an SME, you naturally run business risks. As an entrepreneur, you naturally want to insure yourself against these risks and preferably at the most competitive price . This is possible with Alpina's SME insurance. After all, costs you can save are always a nice bonus. That is why independent insurance specialist Alpina offers you the opportunity to compare business insurance and get the lowest premium. With us you save on average 20% on your insurance premium and we are the specialist when it comes to cheap SME insurance.

All SME insurances in one package? The SME package is known as the most advantageous package for SMEs. This package insures practically all business risks. This package includes insurances for your business premises, inventory, legal assistance and liability.

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