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Liability insurance ZZP

As a ZZP'er it is wise to take out liability insurance. As a ZZP'er, you will more than once find yourself in situations that can cause damage to third parties.

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"Comparing insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your insurance every year."

photo Bjorn

Bjorn - Expert Insurance

More than 5 years of insurance experience

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All about the liability insurance ZZP

As a ZZP'er it is wise to take out liability insurance. As a ZZP'er you will more than once find yourself in situations that can cause damage to third parties. Taking out liability insurance ZZP is a good way to cover yourself for unexpected situations.

Liability insurance for ZZP'ers covers the financial consequences of your faulty actions. Damage to persons and property and the damage that results.

You are also insured for damage caused by a trainee or temporary worker employed by you.

Why liability insurance as a self-employed person?

An accident is a small thing and can have major consequences for you as a self-employed person. It is difficult to estimate the amount of the damage claims in advance. The amounts can run up to capital sums that are almost impossible to bear for a small independent worker. With a ZZP liability insurance you are insured for these costs.

Construction liability insurance

Naturally, you strive to do your work as well as possible and to deliver the highest possible quality. Sometimes things go wrong or things happen that you did not take into account beforehand. For example, you may deliver a project too late or the delivered product may not meet the client's expectations. In this case, you can be held liable for the damage. This can have financial consequences as well as consequences for your reputation. As a self-employed person, you can (largely) prevent this with ZZP liability insurance.

Liability insurance for healthcare

Liability insurance for self-employed persons can also be a solution when you work in the care sector. As a care provider, you want to provide good care without having to think about the possible risks. With liability insurance, these risks are covered, so you can practise your profession carefree.

What does liability insurance for the self-employed cost?

The costs of a liability insurance for ZZP'ers are tax deductible. As a result, you are insured for liability for a relatively low amount.

The insurer may apply, per occurrence, a deductible. Each insurer has its own terms and conditions. The insured amount may also differ per insurer. We therefore always refer you to the specific conditions.

Compare your ZZP liability insurance

You can easily calculate premiums via our website. After entering a few details, a number of insurance policies with the corresponding premiums and policy conditions will appear, tailored to your needs. You can compare these. If you have found a suitable insurance, you can take out the policy immediately. Are you having problems or do you have any questions? If so, you can always reach us by telephone on +31 (0)88 - 688 37 12.

Liability insurance ZZP laptop

Is my private liability insurance valid as a self-employed person?

As a self-employed person, it is necessary to insure against everyday risks. When buying insurance, the first thing people often look at is the amount of the premium and then the coverage. Yet the coverage is very important. You will find this out when damage turns out to be outside the coverage.

Private insurance does not provide business coverage for your work as a ZZP'er. Thus, your private liability insurance is not valid for your work as a ZZP.

More about liability insurance

Frequently asked questions about liability insurance for a self-employed person

What does liability insurance for zzp cost?

The cost of liability insurance for ZZP'ers is tax deductible. As a result, you are insured for liability for a relatively low amount.

Calculate the premium here.

Can I compare liability insurance for a self-employed person?

Through our website you can easily calculate premiums. After entering some data, a number of insurance policies will appear, tailored to your needs, with the corresponding premiums and policy conditions. You can compare these.

What does professional indemnity insurance cost?

Liability insurance is not the same as professional liability insurance. We have separate insurance for that.

Construction workers measure a window

Liability insurance for self-employed construction worker

With a liability insurance ZZP bouw you are insured if you accidentally break something to another person. Or if you cause physical injury to another. The damage must be related to the work and activities of your company that are known to the insurer.

In addition, you are also insured for:

  • Walk-in risk: damage from before the insurance effective date that you were not were aware of.
  • Damage to the belongings of others which you are are working on or treating at that time
  • Schade caused by a temporary employee or stagiair.
man at the doctor's

Liability insurance for self-employed healthcare worker

Do you have your own practice as a coach, guest parent of beautician? Imagine: A client trips over the rug in your office. Or during dyeing the hair, you accidentally damage the customer's clothes. You are then liable for the damage caused. With ZZP Zorg liability insurance you are well insured against damage to others, for example, in these situations:

  • Physical injury to others in the course of your work
  • Walk-in risk: damage prior to the insurance effective date that you were unaware of.
  • Damage to the belongings of others that you are working on or treating at the timet.
  • Damage caused by a temporary employee or apprentice.

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