Comparing and buying your health insurance
Choosing the right health insurance can be quite tricky.
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"Comparing insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your insurance every year."

Jeroen Vaessen - Manager of care
More than 10 years of health insurance experience

All about health insurance
Purchasing health insurance is mandatory for everyone 18 years and older in the Netherlands. Children under 18 are co-insured for free on the parents' health insurance. With health insurance you cover medically necessary health care. What should you pay attention to when choosing a good health insurance:
Basic and supplementary health insurance
The basic insurance reimburses the most important care. The coverage from the basic insurance is the same for all insurers. This is because the content of the basic insurance is determined each year by the government. Health insurers are obliged to always accept an application for the basic insurance. The costs and choice of additional coverage do vary between insurers.
Did you know that there are several types of basic health insurance policies? There is a restitution policy, naturapolis, combination policy, and budget policy. The content of the basic package is the same with each health insurance company, but there is a significant difference in the way you are reimbursed for the care. This makes it wise to compare the different health insurance policies.
In addition to basic insurance, you can purchase supplemental health insurance. Unlike basic insurance, which insurers are required to accept, supplemental insurance does not.
Choose health insurance
Choosing the right health insurance can be quite tricky. When choosing health insurance, you have to think about the care you think you will need in the coming year. It is also good to see what care is covered under the basic insurance and whether you need to take out additional insurance for the care you need. This way, you can adjust your health insurance to your healthcare needs. Of course, you never know in advance exactly what care you will need in the coming year. When choosing health insurance, also pay attention to your own financial situation. Do you have room to absorb any health care costs? Then very extensive insurance may be a waste of your money. In addition, you are subject to a mandatory deductible of at least €385.
Excess in health insurance
You pay a deductible for care from the basic insurance. This deductible is the amount you pay per year before you will be reimbursed for care from the basic insurance by your health insurer.
The minimum excess is €385,- and is the same for everyone. You can choose to increase your own risk. This goes in steps of €100,- up to a maximum of €885,-. If you think you will incur few health care expenses, you can choose to increase your deductible. By increasing your deductible you pay less health care premium. Be aware that if you increase your deductible to €885,- and still need expensive care, you will have to pay this amount. In many cases it is possible to pay the deductible in installments.
Own contribution
Many people confuse the deductible with the co-payment. There is indeed a difference here. You pay the co-payment for some medical expenses from the basic package. The government determines for which care a personal contribution applies and how high the contribution is. A co-payment is always in addition to the excess you have to pay. You cannot increase the amount of the co-payment to reduce the premium of your health insurance.
A table with the care for which you pay a co-payment can be found here.
Contracted care
Every health insurer makes agreements with health care providers every year. For example, they negotiate the prices of treatments. Contracted care is care from providers with whom your health insurer has a contract. You can often get cheaper care from a health insurer with a contract. However, you are not obliged to seek care from contracted providers. If you choose a provider who has no contract with the health insurer, you will be charged part of the costs. The amount of the costs to be paid by you may be determined by the health insurer itself.
Health insurance from 18 years of age
From the moment a person turns 18, he or she is no longer co-insured with the parents for free. From that moment on, one must have his or her own health insurance. This must be arranged no later than one month after the 18th birthday. The effective date is always the first of the month after your birthday. Young people usually do not need that much care and usually have enough with a basic insurance with increased deductible, without additional insurances. Of course, this varies per situation. Many young people choose to be insured with the same insurance company as their parents. This is not necessarily the best option. It is therefore wise to compare different health insurance policies. Beware, if you do not indicate anything to the insurer, you will automatically get the additional packages that your parent(s) also have. This can be quite expensive. Even though you may not need the additional coverage at all.
Compare health insurances
In the Netherlands, everyone from the age of 18 onward is required to have basic health insurance. The basic health insurance is the same with every health insurer. What does differ is the premium you pay per month for your health insurance. Health insurers are allowed to determine this premium themselves. Via alpina.nl you can easily compare health insurances and choose the insurance that best suits you and your situation. We do not only compare premiums but also conditions. You can compare health insurance all year round, but it is not possible to switch health insurance all year round.
Until when can I switch health insurance?
From the time the new health care premiums are announced until the end of January, you can switch health insurance. The deadline for buying new health insurance is January 31. You have to stop your old insurance before December 31. Your new health insurance will then take effect retroactively as of January 1. The new health care premiums are announced no later than November 12 each year.
Step-by-step plan: switching health insurance
Have you compared different health insurance policies and want to switch health insurance? You can easily switch health insurance through our site. In our comparison module you select the basic insurance and any additional insurances. You can apply for this insurance directly through the website. The only thing you have to fill in are your personal details and additional information needed to apply for your health insurance.
After you receive the policy, you still have the right to cancel the insurance. The reflection period is up to 14 days after receiving the policy. You must do this in writing, by telephone or by e-mail. When you make use of this reflection right, it is assumed that the insurance never existed. This means that the insurance was never covered. Costs incurred during this period will not be reimbursed by the insurer.
Take out health insurance
Through our website you can easily compare insurances. After entering a few details, a number of insurance policies will appear, tailored to your needs, with the corresponding premiums and policy conditions. You can compare these. If you have found a suitable insurance, you can take out a policy directly online. Not sure what to do or still have questions? Our healthcare experts are ready to provide you with appropriate advice. You can reach us by phone on 088 - 121 02 22. From Monday to Friday from 08.30 - 17.00 we are happy to help you.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I choose a good health insurance?
Did you know that by properly comparing your health insurance, you can quickly save up to €100 a year? Just make sure you have the right coverage. It is ultimately important that you have health insurance that suits your situation. A discount is a nice bonus, but not always the most important thing.
What is in the basic insurance?
In the Netherlands, it is compulsory to have one's own basic insurance from the age of 18. Until the age of 18, the basic insurance is free. There are different kinds of basic insurances and the contents and the premium can differ per year. In this article we will elaborate on what a basic insurance entails and what care is included in the basic insurance.
Until when can I switch health insurance?
Switching health insurance takes little time and can save you a lot of money. Switching can be done from one health insurance company to another, or you can choose a different health insurance with the same insurer. Until when can I switch health insurance?
What types of health insurance are there?
In the Netherlands, having health insurance is mandatory. Everyone over the age of 18 must at least have basic health insurance. But did you know that there are different types of basic health insurance? For example, there is a restitution policy, naturapolis, combination policy, and budget policy. Read more >>