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Continuous Travel Insurance
Home Continuous travel insurance

Travel without worry with comprehensive travel insurance

High package discount possible

Europe or world coverage

14-day cooling-off period

Help from our experts

Clear, transparent & honest advice for more than 110 years

For more than 800,000 clients, we provide clear, transparent & honest advice.
Based on 3696 reviews 93% recommend us.

We pick out the fine print for you

"During Corona, many continuous travel insurance policies were cancelled or last reviewed before Corona. It is therefore important to check well before departure to make sure everything is still correct. Do you still have travel insurance? "

photo Laura van Maarschalkerweerd

Laura - Property and Casualty Insurance Expert

Years of experience in non-life insurance

Background expert photo Laura van Maarschalkerweerd
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All about continuous travel insurance

With comprehensive travel insurance you insure, throughout the year, damage or theft that may occur during a trip. Coverage applies to an unlimited number of trips and is only valid when you are actually traveling. Help, damage or expenses while you are traveling are covered by this insurance. You choose coverage in Europe or worldwide and can be taken out for the whole family.

Different coverages


With this optional coverage you are insured for the costs of urgent or unexpected medical treatment, supplementary to your health insurance. Attention: It is required that you have a valid Dutch health insurance. The voluntary excess of your health insurance is not insured.


You are insured for damage, loss and theft of your luggage. You can choose from the following insured amounts: €1,000, €3,000, €5,000 per insured person or €2,000, €6,000, €10,000 for all insured persons. For luggage not older than 1 year, the new value is reimbursed. If your luggage is older than 1 year, the current value will be reimbursed.
In addition, the replacement of travel documents is reimbursed. No maximum or excess applies to this.

Special sports

You are insured for damage while practising winter sports, mountaineering, air sports or high-risk water sports (such as rafting). Sledging, skating, cross-country skiing and diving are insured as standard. Have you been unable to use pre-paid ski passes, ski lessons or rented ski equipment because of the damage? This damage is also compensated.

Breakdown on a journey

You will receive assistance if your means of transport breaks down or if the driver breaks down while abroad. The means of transport can be a car, camper van, motorcycle/scooter, caravan, trailer or folding trailer.


You will receive a payment in the event of death or permanent disability resulting from an accident during the trip. In case of death, you will receive €25,000 and in case of permanent disability a maximum of €75,000, depending on the degree of disability.

Continuous cancellation insurance

Have you booked a trip, but are unexpectedly unable to go? The costs that you have incurred and will not be reimbursed, will be reimbursed with this coverage. You will also receive compensation if your trip is cut short or if you are hospitalised during the trip. You will also receive compensation if the outward journey is delayed by more than 8 hours. Please note: this insurance only applies to certain events. Think for example of death, serious illness or serious accident, also of family members in the 1st or 2nd degree, business partner or housemate. Or in case of involuntary dismissal, damage to your home or a divorce. You can choose an insured amount per person per trip of € 750, € 1500 or € 3,000.

Business trip

By default, you are only insured for private travel. With this optional coverage, you are also covered for trips you make for your work. Volunteer work or an internship during full-time studies are standard insurances.

Additional sports equipment

You can insure your sports equipment up to a maximum of € 2500 for all insured persons together per trip. This amount is in addition to the insured amount of your luggage.


You can insure your money up to a maximum of €500 per trip. Money means valid means of payment in the form of coins, notes and cheques.

Conditions of continuous travel insurance

Travel within the Netherlands

If you travel within the Netherlands, you are only insured if you stay at least one night for payment during your trip. You are not insured within the Netherlands during a trip to or with family or acquaintances. A trip to your own (holiday) home, a caravan at a fixed location, a boat at a fixed mooring or your own camper is also not covered.

Own risk

You can choose your own risk: €0, €75 or €150. The higher your excess, the lower the premium. The excess applies to damage to your luggage/sports equipment.

Maximum travel time

Your trip may last up to 60 days (standard insurance). You can extend this to 90 or 180 days.

Emergency centre

Has something gone wrong while travelling and do you urgently need help due to a breakdown, an accident or hospitalisation? Then you can call the Emergency Centre 24 hours a day. If you do not do this and, for example, have unreasonably high costs? Then you may not get all the costs reimbursed.

Communicating changes is important

When you apply for insurance or if you have a claim, you have to answer questions. You must answer these questions honestly. In addition, you should do as much as possible to prevent and limit damage. Report damage as soon as possible! It is also important to inform us of any changes.

Easy comparison and conclusion

Through our website you can easily compare insurance policies. After entering a few details, a number of insurance policies will appear, tailored to your needs, with the corresponding premiums and policy conditions. You can compare these. If you have found a suitable insurance, you can take it out immediately. Are you having problems or do you have any questions? Then you can of course always reach us by telephone on 088 - 688 37 00. We will be happy to help you.

Frequently asked questions about continuous travel insurance

Is continuous travel insurance mandatory?

Continuous travel insurance is not compulsory. However, this insurance is recommended for people who go on holiday or travel. A continuous travel insurance can save you a lot of money when you get into unpleasant situations while travelling.

What is not insured with a continuous travel insurance?

There are a number of situations in which you are not insured with a continuous travel insurance, namely:

  • If you do not have a valid driving licence
  • In case of damage caused by alcohol or drug abuse
  • In case of damage that was foreseeable in advance
  • If your destination (at the time of booking the trip) has negative travel advice from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, cancellation of your trip is not insured. Damage caused by e.g. molestation is excluded from cover
  • If you commit fraud when taking out the insurance or in the event of a claim. Also if there is intent, recklessness or criminal and punishable activities

What does travel insurance with world cover cover cover?

Many people travel every year. Every year for the summer holidays, or perhaps more often for work. If you travel outside of Europe, you need travel insurance for world coverage. You may lose your belongings or they may even be stolen. These are things that happen on a regular basis. In such cases, the travel insurance world coverage ensures that you can recover the value of your belongings.

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