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Take out home insurance directly

With a home insurance, in insurance terms called building insurance, you insure the damage to your home and its immovable property (things that are not movable or earth and nail fixed). Think for example of a built-in kitchen and an attached shed or fence.

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"Comparing home insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your home insurance every year."

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Your home insurance coverage


  • Fire damage
  • Break-in and vandalism
  • Damage due to adverse weather conditions
  • Damage caused by sudden unforeseen events


  • Fire damage
  • Break-in and vandalism
  • Damage due to adverse weather conditions
  • Damage caused by sudden unforeseen events

All about building insurance

What is a building insurance?

Buildings insurance is insurance that covers damage to your home. Build-up means anything that cannot be removed without damage to your own home. A large number of possible causes of damage are insured. For example:

What exactly does it cover?

Property insurance covers everything attached in and to the house. These include pipes, central heating, the bathroom and toilet. Damage you cause to your house is not insured. For this you need all-risk coverage. In general, damage is only compensated if it is an 'uncertain event'. Damage caused by, for example, an earthquake, atomic nuclear reaction or volcanic eruption are excluded. Now, a volcanic eruption will not occur in the Netherlands, but if you live in a province where earthquakes do sometimes occur, it is wise to take this into account when taking out building insurance. It helps to look carefully at the terms and exclusions. Even if your house has special features, such as stained glass.

When to close?

Property insurance is always useful, but if you are trying to get a mortgage for a purchase home, property insurance may be required. Fire can completely destroy your home. This can put you in a lot of trouble. In the worst case, you will no longer have a home, but still have a mortgage debt of possibly hundreds of thousands of euros. To prevent problems, the bank providing the mortgage imposes the obligation to take out building insurance.

What is covered by a building insurance?

For buildings, there are four coverages you will often encounter, namely:

  • the fire cover
  • Comprehensive cover (often abbreviated to UGV)
  • the extended risk cover plus (UGV+)
  • the all-risk cover (often mentioned most extensively)

Through Alpina (a also most other intermediaries), fire coverage and UGV coverage are no longer available. Simply because we don't want you to face any surprises in case of damage.

With the UGV+ cover, there is coverage for all occurrences, which are mentioned in the policy values. With all-risk cover, all incidents are covered unless they are excluded in the terms and conditions. There can be great differences here.

It is therefore important to carefully examine the policy conditions, as the exact coverage may differ per insurer. The most common damages (such as explosion, fire, lightning strike, falling trees) are insured under both the UGV+ and the all-risk cover.

Often, the costs of preventing further damage are also covered, as well as the costs of cleaning up damage. These are often reimbursed up to a maximum amount. See also our article "What exactly is the coverage of a building insurance".

Basic or all-risk coverage

Through Alpina, you can purchase two coverages for your home insurance: basic coverage and all-risk coverage. To find the best buildings insurance, it is important to look carefully at your personal situation. What type of home do you have? What is the reinstatement value? Underinsurance occurs when the actual rebuilding value of your home is higher, than the value you have insured. This can cause problems in the event of a claim. With many insurers you can insure yourself against underinsurance. Often you have to fill in the reinstatement value meter at predetermined moments. These moments can differ from one insurer to another.


Through our online comparison tool you can easily calculate the premium for your home insurance. To do so, you need to enter some information about your home, such as the year of construction and the type of home. Then you can compare different insurers. Pay attention not only to the price, but also to the content. Look carefully at all policy conditions and exclusions, so you can be sure that you take out the best home insurance.

Own risk

You can find cheap building insurance by comparing different insurers. You should also look at the deductible. With every insurance you can have a deductible.
A deductible means that in case of damage, you have to pay for part of the damage yourself. There is a difference between a mandatory and a voluntary deductible. With home insurance there is usually no compulsory excess. If there is a compulsory excess, this is often an amount around €100 or €150. Some insurers allow you to choose your own deductible. With a voluntary excess, you can choose how high your excess is. The higher your deductible, the lower the premium.

Home insurance for a VVE

If you live in an apartment complex with other residents, you most likely have an Owners' Association (VvE). The VVE ensures that joint maintenance is performed on the apartment complex. As residents, you pay a monthly contribution to the VVE. The VVE also provides property insurance for the entire building. So you don't have to arrange this yourself. In principle, building insurance does not differ much from individual insurance. Both cover the same types of damage. The difference? With the VvE, every resident is covered by the same buildings insurance.

Home insurance for a community association

Property insurance for type of home or situation

icon home insurance

New construction

For the contents of buildings insurance, it does not matter whether you buy a new home or an existing home. The content of the insurance remains the same. The time of conclusion also remains the same. You have to make sure that you have taken out all necessary insurance before the key transfer. If you are buying an existing home, the insurance until the key transfer is the responsibility of the residents from whom you are buying the home. If you are buying a newly built home, of course, the house does not yet have occupants. In that case, the construction company building the house is responsible for the house until the key transfer.

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Whether you need property insurance for your apartment depends on whether you bought or rented the apartment. If you bought an apartment, you have to make sure that building insurance is in place for your apartment. You may have to arrange this yourself or it may be arranged through the VVE. Did you rent an apartment? Then you do not have to take out buildings insurance yourself. The owner of your apartment is the landlord and therefore responsible. Keep in mind that damage to your belongings, such as furniture and clothing for example, will be at your own expense.

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Rented house

If you have a rental property, you do not own the property. Should you still take out buildings insurance? In the case of a rental property, the landlord is responsible for taking out buildings insurance. So you don't have to get buildings insurance yourself. To protect your possessions, such as furniture and clothing, you can take out contents insurance. This way you can be sure that you are fully insured in case of fire or water damage, for example.

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House with thatched roof

With a thatched roof, you have an increased risk of fire and storm damage. Fortunately, you can take out buildings insurance for your thatched roof. A thatched roof is covered by property insurance. It is important that you weigh the conditions of different insurers. An insurer may have a higher premium or different conditions because of the higher risk of a thatched roof.

Frequently asked questions about home insurance

What does building insurance cost?

The cost of building insurance is different for everyone. The amount of the premium depends on several factors:

  • the type of dwelling
  • the building value of your home (the roof and walls)
  • the reinstatement value
  • The selected coverage
  • the own risk
  • place of residence/region of residence

Thus, the cost you spend on building insurance per year is different for each household. For special properties, conditions and premiums may differ. According to Vereniging Eigen Huis, the average premium for building insurance amounts to an amount of € 1.30 per € 1,000 in insured value. So for a house with a rebuilding value of €250,000, you pay an average of €325 per year (including insurance tax €393.25). But by comparing well, you can often insure your home much cheaper.

Why take out buildings insurance?

Damage to your home can quickly become expensive. For example, if you have fire damage in the kitchen due to a short circuit. Or if the bathroom is completely flooded by a broken faucet. With building insurance you don't have to worry about this, because such situations are covered. One condition is that the damage could not have been prevented. All damage in your home caused by something you cannot do yourself can be claimed from the insurer.

How does buildings insurance work?

Building insurance is based on the reconstruction value of your home. The reinstatement value is the maximum amount the insurer will pay out. A fire can completely destroy your home. On the basis of the reconstruction value it is determined for what amount you have to insure your home. The reconstruction value is the amount needed to rebuild your home in the same place and manner. Because the site and land are not lost in a fire, you do not need to insure them and they do not count toward the rebuild value. As a result, the rebuild value is often lower than the resale value.

What to do in case of leakage?

Leaks are basically covered by a building insurance policy, but there are some conditions attached to this. For example, the damage must be caused by one of the following causes:

  • Leaks in the central heating system, water pipes or installations connected to them.
  • Leaks caused by freezing of central heating or water pipes.
  • Damage caused by a neighbor's leak is not always covered. Should your building insurance not cover this, you may be able to recover this damage from your neighbor's liability insurance.
  • Due to leakage of roofs or gutters.
  • Water damage due to storm

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