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What is the best way to compare bicycle insurance?

Winter is over and the sun is starting to shine more and more. The bicycle comes out of the shed again. Long bicycle rides along the water or mountain biking in the woods. In the Netherlands, we cycle no less than 15 billion kilometres together every year. That's around 880 kilometres per person. With so many kilometres per year, a lot can happen on the bicycle.

As a cyclist, you are not the safest. You can easily get damaged or injured while cycling. The bicycle can also be stolen. Fortunately, in the Netherlands there are enough possibilities to insure your bicycle against damage and theft. You can read which insurances there are for bicycles, how you can best compare them and other points of interest in this handy article about comparing bicycle insurance.

bicycle insurance_Diks

Compare bicycle insurance coverages

Most insurance companies offer the same coverages, just a different price. Most insurers offer the following coverages:

  • Theft: you will receive a benefit after the theft of your bicycle;
  • Theft + damage: if your bicycle is damaged in an accident, you will receive a benefit;
  • Theft + Damage Plus: In addition to the above, this cover entitles you to recourse assistance and accident coverage.

As you can see, there are different coverages with different options to choose from. Depending on your wishes and requirements for bicycle insurance, you can compare which coverage best suits your situation. Once you know that, you can find out which insurance company offers the cheapest coverage. Please note that the cheapest insurance is not necessarily the best. On this page you can calculate the premium you would pay. Then you will immediately know where you stand with the various insurers. Please read the policy conditions carefully before taking out the insurance.

Want bicycle insurance? Calculate your premium!

Exclusions from the bicycle insurance

Every insurance policy has its exclusions. So it is with bicycle insurance. Please note that every insurer excludes a number of things, for example: deliberately caused damage, damage caused by a crime, participation in competitions or not using a proper lock. These are not all exclusions and not every insurer applies the same exclusions. When comparing bicycle insurance, it is good to go through the insurer's exclusions too. That way you will not be faced with any surprises later on.

Excess in the bicycle insurance

Health insurance, car insurance and home contents insurance are telling examples of excess. Bicycle insurance can also involve an excess. Depending on the choice you make or the insurance policy you take out, an excess may be charged when submitting a claim. The policy conditions of the insurer always state whether there is an excess. This amount can vary from €25 to €300. For your situation, it is wise to check whether there is a deductible and how much it is.

Costs of bicycle insurance

The premium of the bicycle insurance depends on your wishes and requirements. Often you can compose the insurance yourself. The costs will vary from €2.50 per month to €20.00 per month. The costs depend on the coverage you choose, where you live and the purchase value of the bicycle.

Get your bike insurance through Alpina: simple and affordable

Are you considering taking out bicycle insurance? Then take it out now through Alpina! Thanks to our years of experience, we can offer you the best insurance. Do you still have doubts or questions about our bicycle insurance? Then feel free to contact our customer service. They are ready to answer all your questions.

Calculate the premium of your bicycle insurance directly!

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