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What is an advantageous bicycle insurance?

Although bicycle insurance is not required by law, it is a handy insurance to have. Depending on what kind of bicycle you have, you will pay hundreds of euros for it. Since the Netherlands is a real cycling country, theft of bicycles unfortunately occurs frequently. With a bicycle insurance you can insure yourself against this. You pay a relatively low premium per month, and are then insured against damage and theft. But how do you find a cheap bicycle insurance? We will gladly explain it to you here.

Want bicycle insurance? Calculate your premium!

advantageous bicycle insurance

Find a cheap bicycle insurance by comparing

The best way to find cheap bicycle insurance is to compare. For this you can use our online comparator. Not all insurance companies offer bicycle insurance. We advise you not to take out a bicycle insurance with the seller of the bicycle. It is better to compare online and take out a bicycle insurance with the best conditions and the lowest premium. If you take out bicycle insurance online now, the bicycle is already insured. By comparing you will get a good idea of the insurance premium and policy conditions.

Want bicycle insurance? Calculate your premium!

Factors that play a role

There are several factors that play a role in finding an advantageous bicycle insurance. For example, the type of bicycle you want to insure. A bicycle insurance for an e-bike will obviously cost more than for a second-hand city bike. The catalogue value is also important. The more expensive the catalogue value of a bicycle, the higher the costs of a bicycle insurance. The desired coverage for your bicycle insurance also plays a role. You can insure your bicycle against theft, damage or a combination of theft and damage. The most extensive coverage is of course also the most expensive. Finally, your place of residence determines the cost of your bicycle insurance.

Take out low-cost bicycle insurance directly through Alpina

On Alpina.nl you can easily take out an inexpensive bicycle insurance policy. Calculate your premium in advance with our handy online comparer. You can easily switch between the different coverages to compare premiums. Do you have any questions about bicycle insurance? Then please contact us! Our insurance specialists are at your service Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. You can reach us by phone at 030 - 688 37 00. Of course you can also send us a message. This can be done via WhatsApp, Messenger or the chat function at Alpina.nl.

Calculate the premium of your bicycle insurance directly!

We can be reached via Chat, Whatsapp, phone or email

Please feel free to contact us if you would like to know more.
We are here Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00.

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