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Car insurance comparison: compare directly and close!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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14-day cooling-off period
14-day cooling-off period
Insurance assessment

Your car insurance coverage

Third-party liability (mandatory)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

Limited airframe

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

All Risk (WA+Casco)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

By comparing car insurance policies, you will find out which one suits you and your car best. You have a choice between different forms of insurance. Which one is best for you to choose depends on several factors.

If you want to make a good comparison, it does not mean that you put your own car insurance next to that of your neighbour. That is comparing apples and oranges. Car insurance policies can only be compared if you start from the same assumptions and coverages.

What factors play a role when comparing car insurances?

Important premium determining factors are:

  • The selected coverage
  • The number of claim-free years you have accumulated
  • Your age
  • Your postal code

Which cover do you choose?

The WA car insurance provides coverage for damage caused to others. This is the minimum and obligatory coverage. The WA limited casco is an extension of the WA insurance. A number of extras mentioned in the policy conditions are also insured, like damage caused by hail and storm. The most extensive car insurance is the WA-casco, also known as all-risk. The WA-casco is the most extensive car insurance and pays for example damage by vandalism and own damage by a collision. The all-risk car insurance is mostly chosen for new cars until they are a few years old.

How many claim-free years have you accumulated?

Claim-free years are built up by not making any claims on the car insurance. One year of not claiming entitles you to one claim-free year. When you do claim, you lose five claim-free years in one go. This can result in a sharp increase in premium in the next policy year. Claims do not cost you any claim-free years if the claim relates to limited casco cover. Even if an amount paid out by the insurer can be recovered from another party, it will not cost you any claim-free years.

Do young people do more damage on average?

Insurers often charge premiums for young drivers. They do this based on statistics that show that young drivers cause more damage. Fortunately, not all insurers deter young drivers. By comparing, you can select the car insurance that is best and cheapest for you. Also young people have the right to insure their car for a reasonable premium.

Is your zip code also a premium determinant?

The chance of car damage is greater in the Randstad than in the countryside. That is why the postcode is requested when making a comparison. In this way, the premium is adjusted to the statistical risks.

In addition to the above factors, the new value, daily value and weight of the car also play a role. The comparison tool at Alpina.nl takes all premium determining factors into account.

Which car insurances can you choose between?

Of course, you can choose from the three types of insurance mentioned earlier, but there are also insurances for cars that are not used as passenger cars. You can insure your car cheaper if it is a so-called old-timer. For business cars you can choose, for instance, for van insurance or taxi insurance. We can also compare cars that are difficult to insure, which are used as learning cars or for courier services. See the overview for insurances we can compare.

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Report damage

Do you have a damage? Then you can report it online using the form below. Do you need a towing service urgently? On your green card you will find the telephone number of the emergency service to which your insurance company is affiliated.

If you have coverage for windscreen damage, you can call in a windscreen repairer who is listed on your green card. In most cases the glass repairer will settle the claim with your insurance company.

Click here to report a claim online.

Report a change

Do you want to change your car insurance or has something changed in your personal situation? You can reportdifferent types of changes.

  • Change personal data
  • Change of address
  • Changing other insurance
  • Cancelling insurance

Car insurance benefits at Alpina.nl

Immediate coverage possible, 24/7

You can calculate and take out car insurance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In most cases, you get coverage immediately so you can get your car on the road quickly.

Close within 5 minutes

When you take out a car insurance policy online, you want cover immediately. That's why you can see where you stand. You can insure your car within 5 minutes. You can choose your own cover and excess, so you never pay too much. Your application will be reviewed immediately and will take effect when you wish.

Money back guarantee! 14-day cooling-off period

When you take out car insurance with us, you have a 14 day cooling off period. This means that you can cancel the insurance policy within 14 days without having to give reasons.

How do we work?

As an intermediary, we are not part of any insurance company. This means that we have no financial or production obligations to the companies we work with. When comparing insurance, we consider your personal situation and specific wishes regarding coverage. Alpina makes insurance clear and fast.


Alpina complies with all legal requirements of the AFM. We have the necessary permits and diplomas and we are affiliated with the Financial Services Complaints Institute (Kifid). Alpina is also one of the few intermediaries that has joined the home shopping label, which offers you certainty in the field of purchases over the Internet.

Compare premiums online for cheap car insurance!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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