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Third-party liability (mandatory)

  • Free recovery service
  • Damage to others
  • Theft and fire damage
  • Damage to own engine

WA Limited Casco

  • Free recovery service
  • Damage to others
  • Theft and fire damage
  • Damage to own engine

WA Full Casco (All-Risk)

  • Free recovery service
  • Damage to others
  • Theft and fire damage
  • Damage to own engine

You don't want to pay too much, so you compare. That is certainly advisable. An insurer can ask double for the insurance of your old-timer motorbike compared to a cheaper insurer. Within a few minutes, you can calculate where you can get the best deal.

Comparing oldtimer motorbike insurance has two purposes, namely:

  • You save money by not choosing a random insurer
  • You want the most extensive coverage in terms of quality

We can help you achieve both goals.

Compare - Where to start?

Do you already have insurance for your motorbike? In that case, it is useful to look up the policy. You can save a lot of money if the current insurance is not specifically aimed at old-timers. Even if it is an old-timer insurance, it is worth comparing it. To compare, you also need the license plate number. There are even more questions to answer, but you can answer these questions off the top of your head.

How do you want to insure your motorbike?

Third-party insurance is compulsory. This insurance pays out if you cause damage to others or their property with the old-timer motorbike. You can insure your motorbike more extensively with the WA limited casco and the all-risk insurance. In addition to insurance against third-party liability, WA limited hull insurance also pays out in the event of certain causes of damage described in the policy conditions. This includes coverage for theft, storm and hail damage. In the event of a collision, this insurance will not pay for your damage. For this you need the all-risk insurance.

Is it difficult to choose which cover you want? Comparing them makes the choice easier. Together with the differences in coverage, the differences in premium are often the deciding factor. In general you can say that a motorbike with a low value is not insured all-risk. However, old-timers often have a high value, so all-risk insurance for old-timers is still common.

Why are the differences between insurers so great?

Insurance policies that offer the same coverage can still differ greatly in terms of premium level. This can often not be justified by better service or other differences. You simply pay too much if you choose not to compare. As long as you stay with the overpriced insurer, you will lose money. The insurer will not reduce the premium. With a bit of bad luck, they will increase it. You have to take action yourself in order to save. It is not the case that the most expensive insurer offers the best insurance. So stay critical when insuring your old-timer motorbike.

What does the amount of the premium depend on?

In the past, insurers were more unambiguous when calculating the premium. They took into account the current value, the new value and the weight. In recent years, they have taken more data into account when calculating the premium. The premium that you have to pay for insuring your motorbike can now also depend on the bodywork, kilowatts and the make and type. Even the colour can be taken into account.

Can I get rid of my current oldtimer motor insurance?

Once an insurance policy has been in force for one year, it can be cancelled daily. Insurers are allowed to use a cancellation period of one month. The motorbike insurance can be cancelled when you sell your motorbike by sending the indemnification certificate that you get when you sell. Are you not going to sell, but it turns out that you can insure yourself cheaper? With a letter you can cancel your current insurance. We would also like to do that for you. You can use our cancellation service for this. Do you want to know what the possibilities are with your current insurance?


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