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Home Quad Insurance Additional coverages for a Quad

Additional coverages for a Quad

You want the best possible insurance for yourself and the passengers. In the event of injury caused by an accident, you can have an amount paid out. In the event of death as a result of an accident, you can have your surviving relatives receive compensation.

There are two supplemental insurance policies that are often purchased in addition to quad insurance. They are the following two supplemental insurance policies:

Both insurances pay out an amount in the event of an accident, but there are some important differences.

When does the accident passenger insurance pay out?

This insurance pays out in two situations. If the driver or rider is killed or permanently disabled in an accident involving the quad. The amount varies by insurer, but it can be seen as an allowance. For example, €5,000 is paid in the event of death and €22,500 in the event of permanent disability.

Opting for the passenger indemnity insurance

In comparison with the accident passenger insurance, the damage passenger insurance is the better choice. The coverage is much broader. In case of permanent disability, the payment is not a fixed amount, but the actual financial loss is paid out. If the disabled passenger is unable to work because of the accident, the damage can easily run into hundreds of thousands of euros. This insurance also pays out for material damage to the rider.

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