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Home Car Insurance 3 cars in 1 name

Is it possible to insure 3 cars in 1 name?

Nowadays, many families have several cars parked in front of them. Of course, each car requires car insurance. But can you actually insure all the cars in 1 name? Whether you have two, three or more cars: if the cars are in your name, you can insure them all in your name. Do you have as many as 3 cars in your name? Then you can insure all three in your name.

Car insurance? Calculate your premium!

Insuring 3 cars

A condition for insuring a 3 car policy in one name is that the vehicles belong to you or your partner. Insurers assume that partners also use each other's car. Therefore, you may insure a car in your name in your partner's name as well. Does one of the cars belong to your child? As a parent, you are not allowed to insure your child's car in your own name. However, you can add your child to your policy as a regular driver. This does affect the amount of the premium. However, if you don't do this, it can have major consequences for your car insurance if the insurer finds out.

Car insurance? Calculate your premium!

Co-insuring several cars on the second car scheme

Some insurers allow you to co-insure multiple cars on the second family car scheme. The second car scheme means that insurers give the same no-claims discount when insuring a second car as for the first car. Other insurers also offer the option of taking over the discount from the first car insurance, but only up to a certain discount. Another option is to give a fixed percentage discount for the second car. So although it is called the "second car scheme," a number of insurers allow you to co-insure multiple cars on this scheme.

Maximum number of cars Insurers
1 Aegon, ANWB, De Goudse, De Kilometerverzekering, Klaverblad, Lancyr, Promovendum, Unigarant, United Insurance, Verzekeruzelf.nl
2 Autoweek, Dutch Home Owners Association
6 Nationale-Nederlanden
9 Ditzo
No maximum a.s.r., ABN Amro, Allianz, Allianz Direct, Centraal Beheer, FBTO, Hema, Inshared, Interpolis, Ohra, SNS, Univé, ZLM

3rd car insurance? Get car insurance through Alpina!

It is mostly the larger insurance companies where you can insure multiple cars on the second car scheme. However, this does not immediately mean that you have to buy your car insurance with one of them. First, use our online comparison tool to compare providers and find out where you can really get the cheapest deal.

Need help getting car insurance for your third (or first, second or fourth) car? Get in touch with us, we'd love to help! We can be reached on weekdays between 08:00 and 18:00 on telephone number 088-6883700. Of course, you can always send us a message via chat, WhatsApp or Messenger.

Calculate your car insurance premium directly!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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