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Home Info Royalties abolished

Royalties statement abolished

Press release Roy Data As of 1 September 2007, insurance companies have switched to digitally storing the number of claim-free years accrued by their customers. Roy-Data is the name of a system for royalty data for the insurance market. All Royalties data with an expiry date from 1 September 2007 onwards will be included in the system.

Roy-data, in which lapse data such as the number of years without claims can be consulted, has great advantages. When changing insurance companies, it is no longer necessary to hand over the paper settlement statement to the new company. The loss or not receiving this statement (bonus-malus statement) is now over.

What does this mean for car insurance?

When you take out a car insurance, the company will check the Roy-Data system to see how many claim-free years you have accumulated. When these claim-free years have not yet been claimed by another company, these years are allocated to the new policy.

Transition period

For motor insurance policies cancelled before 1 September 2007 there is still an official cancellation statement in circulation. Such a statement is valid for one year. So until 1 September 2008 you can still ask for an original cancellation statement when you want to take out a new car insurance. Royalties issued before 1 September 2007 are not yet registered in Roy-Data. Many companies have changed the validity of the cancellation statement to 3 years.

When cancelling a car insurance policy after 1 September 2007, the customer will now receive a cancellation form with the number of claim-free years. The company will also pass on the number of claim-free years to the Roy-Data system. Insurance companies will therefore no longer issue a paper statement. Only in case of emigration the company will still issue a paper statement.

If you would like to see your registration in Roy-Data, you can download a form 'see Roy-Data registration' atwww.roydata.nl. More information on Roy-Data can be found on the website of Stichting Efficiente Processen Schadeverzerzekaars, www.seps.nl.

Read also:

How can I prove my claim-free years?

Claim-free years: How does it work?

Use claim-free years wisely

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