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Frequently asked questions about temporary insurance

Is all the product information on the website complete or are there small print?

On the various pages of our website, we try to explain our products as clearly as possible. We also explain the ifs and buts of the products as much as possible. We have also listed the frequently asked questions for each product. With this, we try to provide as much information as possible about the products we offer.

We work together with several insurers, each of which has its own conditions for the various products. There can be considerable differences between them. We would like to emphasise that you should always consult the policy, including any clauses and conditions. These are always leading.

Frequently Asked Questions

When do I have coverage on a temporary car insurance?

When you apply for a temporary car insurance, the coverage starts immediately after receiving the premium. Are you applying for insurance for a foreign number plate with an effective date in the future? Then the cover will take effect at 0:00 on the first day for which cover is requested.

Your payment must be received by us before the insurance company issues a certificate of insurance and a green card (the green card is only issued in the 15-day version).

Once the vehicle has a Dutch license plate, it is possible to purchase regular car insurance through Alpina.nl .

In which countries is the temporary insurance covered?

A Austria IS Iceland

AL Albania L Luxembourg

AND Andorra LT Lithuania

B Belgium LV Latvia

BG Bulgaria M Malta

BIH Bosnia-Herzegovina MA Morocco

BY Belarus MD Moldova

CH Switzerland MK F.Y.R.O.M

CY Cyprus MNE Montenegro

CZ Czech Republic N Norway

D Germany NL Netherlands

DK Denmark P Portugal

E Spain PL Poland

EST Estonia RO Romania

F France RUS Russia

FIN Finland S Sweden

GB United Kingdom and Northern Ireland SRB Serbia

GR Greece SK Slovak Republic

H Hungary SLO Slovenia

HR Croatia TN Tunisia

I Italy TR Turkey

IL Israel UA Ukraine

IRL Ireland

Can I set off the temporary insurance against the permanent insurance?

The temporary insurance is a stand-alone insurance. It is not possible to set off the costs against or deduct them from the permanent car insurance.

Can Alpina also provide a one-day license plate for inspection?

You can only apply for a one-day licence at the RDW. You can take out the insurance for this day with us.

Is it possible to take out insurance for one day?

Yes, you can. We have a one-day licence plate insurance for the day of the inspection. You can take out this online and after payment via Ideal you will immediately receive the insurance certificate by e-mail.

Is it possible to take out temporary insurance by chassis number?

We need the vehicle registration number or the temporary registration number.

Which cover applies?

The temporary insurance is subject to third-party cover. It is not possible to take out more extensive cover. Please note! The insurance does not cover damage to your own vehicle.

WA coverage temporary car insurance

The minimum requirement is that you have third-party liability insurance for your car. Every car insurance has this part as a basis. This insurance covers damage you cause to third parties with your vehicle or attached caravan or trailer. This damage can be both material and physical. Third-party motor insurance is the necessary basis.


Which insurance company is behind the temporary car insurance?

The insurance company behind the 15-day temporary car insurance is ASR. The temporary insurance cannot be taken out directly with ASR.

Once the vehicle has a Dutch license plate, it is possible to purchase regular car insurance through Alpina.nl .

Click here for the terms of delivery and the policy conditions.

What should I do in case of damage?

If you have caused damage with the vehicle under temporary insurance, you and the other party must fill in a claim form. Normally a claim form consists of two parts. You give the so-called carbon copy to the other party.

On your part, you should also fill in the back. You can then send the claim form to:

PO Box 63

3400 AB IJsselstein

T: 030-6883700

What is your IBAN/BIC number?

If you wish to order insurance for a foreign number plate, you have the option of paying via iDEAL.


What is covered on a temporary car insurance?

The temporary car insurance is a 1 or 15-day Third Party Liability insurance. This means that the damage caused to third parties is covered.

Damage to own vehicle also covered?

Damage to one's own vehicle is not covered and cannot be insured.

Once the vehicle has a Dutch license plate, it is possible to purchase regular car insurance through Alpina.nl .

What is the fastest way to receive a green card?

The fastest way to receive a green card is by e-mail. Once we have received your payment, we will immediately - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - send you the green card by e-mail. On the next working day, we will also send you the green card by post.

The coverage of the temporary insurance only starts on the day that the green card is created. The green card you receive by e-mail can be printed and must be signed.

Once the vehicle has a Dutch license plate, it is possible to purchase regular car insurance through Alpina.nl .

When do I have coverage on a temporary car insurance?

When you apply for a temporary car insurance, the coverage starts immediately upon receipt of the premium. Are you applying for insurance for a foreign number plate with an effective date in the future? Then the cover will take effect at 0:00 on the first day for which you have requested cover.

Your payment must be received by us before the insurance company issues a certificate of insurance and a green card (the green card is only issued in the 15-day version).

Once the vehicle has a Dutch license plate, it is possible to purchase regular car insurance through Alpina.nl .

Can I drive a car with a foreign number plate in the Netherlands?

As a resident of the Netherlands, you may own a car with a foreign number plate. In that case, you have to register the car in the Netherlands. You also have to pay tax on passenger cars and motorbikes (BPM) and motor vehicle tax (MRB) for the car. If you are using the Dutch road for a short period of time, you can apply for an exemption from BPM and MRB.

Exemption from BPM and MRB for short-term use

If you are using a car, delivery van or motorbike with a foreign registration plate on the Dutch road for a short period of time, you can get an exemption from BPM and MRB. This applies to motor vehicles that you have rented, borrowed or leased. The exemption applies for a maximum of 2 weeks and starts the moment you use the car on the Dutch road for the first time. The exemption applies to you and your family members living at home.

Notification of exemption from BPM and MRB for short-term use

You must apply for the exemption before you start using the Dutch road. This can be done with the program 'Exemption for BPM and MRB for short-term use' on the website of the Tax and Customs Administration. You can report the short-term use yourself, but you can also have a rental company, a lease company or a family member do this for you. You can only be exempted for 2 weeks once a year for the same motor vehicle.

Can the temporary car insurance be renewed?

The 15-day temporary car insurance cannot be renewed. If the vehicle has a foreign number plate, you must take out insurance in the country for which the number plate was issued.

Can the third-party cover be extended?

It is not possible to extend the WA coverage. The temporary insurance gives an exclusive 15-day WA coverage. There is no coverage for damage to the own car.

Is it possible to take out temporary insurance if the vehicle does not have a valid MOT?

In principle, it is not allowed to drive a vehicle with Dutch registration without a valid MOT.

The temporary insurance is intended for foreign vehicles that go to the RDW testing station for inspection regarding the application for a Dutch registration number. For this purpose, you can apply for a one-day licence plate with the RDW and take out temporary insurance.

Do I also get a licence plate with the insurance?

No. You can take out a valid temporary civil liability insurance with us. You must request a licence plate from the RDW.

Is the green card valid if I print it myself?

Yes, an international certificate of insurance (green card) used to have to actually be issued on green paper by an insurance company.
However, this is no longer necessary. You may print the green card yourself. However, customs or police abroad may not recognize the green card as such if it is printed on white paper. We therefore recommend that you take the green card with you as much as possible.

With our temporary car insurance you will receive a green card by e-mail which you can print yourself. By post we will send you the green card as issued by the company.

Can the temporary insurance also be taken out for the import of a vehicle?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to take out temporary insurance for imports. The temporary insurance is for export only.

Can the temporary insurance also be taken out for a temporary cover other than export?

The temporary insurance can be taken out for export of the vehicle or to go to the RDW testing station.

Can I change the registration number on a current temporary insurance policy?

No, unfortunately it is not possible to change the registration number of an existing insurance policy. You can then take out a new (temporary) insurance policy.

Can I insure the vehicle by chassis number instead of registration number?

This is only possible when exporting a vehicle from a Dutch trading stock. All other vehicles are insured on the basis of the registration number.

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