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"Comparing boat insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your boat insurance every year."

Laura - Expert Insurance
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All about your tender insurance
A tender and a sloop are often confused. Not surprisingly, because not only are the terms often used interchangeably, they are also similar. The main difference is that a sloop is always open, while a tender has a cabin and/or other covered parts. In addition, a tender is often more heavily motorized than a sloop and therefore (even) better suited for long trips. Do you have your own tender? Then you have the perfect boat to go boating with family or friends. Don't forget to look into boat insurance for your tender in advance. Insuring a tender is not mandatory, but it ensures that you can enjoy carefree cruising on the water.
Is tender insurance mandatory?
In the Netherlands, it is not mandatory to take out boat insurance for your tender. It is therefore your own choice. However, in some situations third-party insurance is mandatory. This is, for example, at competitions, in a marina, a boat shed or on (part of) the waterways. Do you sometimes sail your tender outside Dutch waters? Then boat insurance may be required by law. This is for example in countries around the Mediterranean Sea, such as Greece, Croatia, Italy and Spain. So before you go abroad, always check whether boat insurance is compulsory in the country of destination.
Tender insurance: which cover should I choose?
When insuring a tender, you have a choice of three different types of cover, namely third party liability, third party liability + limited third party insurance and third party liability + full third party insurance (also known as All-Risk). Not everyone's wishes are the same, so you choose which cover best suits you and your boat.
With third-party boat insurance, you are insured for damage you cause to another person or someone else's property. With this coverage, only liability damages are insured. If you cause an accident that also damages your own tender is not covered. For this, you must take out more comprehensive coverage.
If you go for WA + Limited Comprehensive insurance, you are also insured for damage to your tender caused by e.g. fire, storm, hail, spontaneous combustion, explosion and joyriding. In addition, you are also insured for damage to the contents of your boat.
Finally, there is all-risk boat insurance. This is the most comprehensive coverage. With this, in addition to all the previously mentioned damages, you are also insured for damage to your own tender if caused by yourself. Do you collide with the quay when docking your tender and suffer damage as a result? Then this is insured and you will be compensated for the damage by the insurer.
What does tender insurance cost?
The cost of tender insurance depends on a number of factors. These are:
- The type of boat
- The boat's engine
- The coverage you choose
- Any claim-free years you have accumulated with a boat insurance policy in the past
- Any membership in a water sports club
Of course, you would rather not pay too much for your tender insurance. If you opt for basic third-party cover, you will pay less per month than if you take out comprehensive all-risk insurance. However, do not only look at the price, but also at what coverage suits your boat best. That way you know for sure that you are well insured.
Insure your tender with tender insurance on Alpina\.nl!
The best way to find the cheapest boat insurance is to compare boat insurance. Because we list the premiums and policy conditions for you, you will find the cheapest and best boat insurance for your boat in no time.
Do you still have questions or would you like to consult with one of our insurance specialists? Then please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us by phone at 030 - 6883700. We are available from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 18.00. You can also send us a message 24/7 via chat, WhatsApp or Messenger. You will receive an answer as soon as possible!
Other boat insurances
At Alpina, we have boat insurance for any boat. So you can also insure your sloop, powerboat, sailboat, speedboat, jet ski, personal watercraft, Zodiac, motor yacht or pleasure yacht.
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