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What types of thatched roofs are there?

There are two types of thatched roofs: a traditional thatched roof and an enclosed thatched roof. The latter is also called a screw roof. Both types of thatched roofs have advantages and disadvantages. When you take out buildings insurance, you specify what kind of thatched roof you have so the premium can be adjusted accordingly. At Alpina.nl , we explain all about the types of thatched roofs and how best to insure them.

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thatched roof types

Traditional thatched roof

With a traditional roof, the thatch is tied to so-called thatch slats. The thatch is therefore visible from the inside of the house. With this method of thatching, oxygen can easily get through the roof, which ensures that during a fire it can easily spread. This makes a traditional thatched roof slightly less fireproof than an enclosed thatched roof.

Do you have a home with a traditional thatched roof? Then you can take a number of preventive measures to reduce the risk of fire. For example, you can impregnate the thatch or install a sprinkler system. This will humidify the thatch from the inside, preventing fire from spreading easily. The application of fire resistant plates can also help. If you take good prevention measures, this in turn can be advantageous for the amount of the insurance premium.

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Closed thatched roof or screw roof

With a closed roof or screw roof, the thatch is placed on a closed surface, such as insulation boards or plywood. A closed thatched roof is more fire-resistant and better insulated. As a result, almost no oxygen can penetrate the roof and a fire is less likely to spread. A closed thatched roof must, however, meet certain safety requirements. Because a closed thatched roof involves fewer risks, the premium is not much higher than for a house with tiles.

How do I insure my type of thatched roof?

You can come to us for any kind of thatched roof insurance. An insurer usually sets a number of conditions for insuring a home with a thatched roof. Conditions are for instance:

  • You must have an approved fire extinguisher in your home
  • The chimney must be swept at least once a year
  • If you have an open fire or wood stove, there must be a spark arrester on the roof
  • There must be fire-resistant sheeting on the inside of the thatched roof
  • The house itself must be made of stone. A wooden house with a thatched roof cannot be insured by most insurers.

Take out a property insurance thatched roof on Alpina.nl

Whatever type of thatched roof you have, you can come to us for good buildings insurance. On Alpina.nl you can calculate an indication of the premium. You can do this in our handy online comparer. After entering a number of details about your home, you will receive an overview of all home insurance policies that meet your requirements. You can then request a final quote or take out the insurance directly online.

Do you still have questions or would you like to consult with one of our insurance specialists? Then don't hesitate to contact us! You can reach us by phone from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 18.00 on 088 - 6883700. Of course, you can also send us a message via chat, WhatsApp or Messenger.

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