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Can I insure a car for a child?

Nowadays, a car license can be obtained as early as age 17. Many young people then choose to purchase their own car. However, they run into high premiums. If you want to get car insurance, it is even possible that insurance companies refuse the application for car insurance. Why then? The risk of insuring a young person is proven to be high. Young people are more likely to get into accidents and drive more frequently. Getting car insurance for your child, then, does not seem like a bad idea. But what are the options in this regard? Can you just do this?

get car insurance for child

What is allowed and what is not allowed?

Do you want to insure a car for your child? This is not automatically possible. Below, we will discuss a construction that is not permitted and a construction that is.

The construction cohabiting with child ✖

As a cohabiting partner, you are allowed to put the other partner's car in your own name. This also applies to the insurance. However, this is not permitted in the parent-child construction.

Insure children ✔

What is possible is to co-insure a child who is not yet 18 years old. In such a case, the parent is still regarded as the 'regular driver' on the policy. A notification will have to be made to the insurer that a 2Drive person is driving the vehicle. In most cases this will not result in an increase in premium. The good thing is that your child accrues years of damage free in this way. Did you know that some insurers even offer a discount for this construction? That makes this option more attractive.

 Get car insurance? Calculate your premium!


What to do?

Would you like to know what your options are? Calculate the premium for insuring your child's car.

Questions about car insurance for child? Alpina is at your service

I hope this article has given you a better idea of what your options are when it comes to getting car insurance for your child. Do you still have questions after reading this article? Please do not hesitate to contact us. Fill in our contact form or call us directly at +31 (0)88 - 688 3710. We are happy to help you get the right car insurance for your child.

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To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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