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Cheapest absence insurance

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If your employees are unable to work due to illness, as an employer you are obligated to continue paying wages for the first 2 years. When your employee is sick for a long time, these costs can add up considerably. To protect yourself against this, you can take out absenteeism insurance. We get the question what the cheapest insurance is. However, the cheapest insurance does not always have the best coverage. At Alpina we look for the cheapest absence insurance at the best conditions. Using a number of details about your organization, we can provide an accurate quote so you can easily compare.

What does absenteeism insurance cost?

Of course, every company is different. The costs for absenteeism insurance therefore differ per company. What is the cheapest absenteeism insurance for you, may not be the same for another company. To calculate the premium for a sick leave insurance, the insurer uses a premium percentage. The premium can be calculated by multiplying the premium percentage with the total wage costs. On average, the premium is between 1.5% and 5.5% of the total wage costs. The amount of the percentage depends on the following factors:

  • The composition of your staff (age, number of part-timers, etc.)
  • The sector or industry in which you work
  • The absence figures of the last 3 years

Every year, the premium is reviewed. They look at whether the company data has changed and whether there have been any personnel changes, which may have changed the age structure. In addition, they look at the ratio between how much was paid out in the past year and how much premium was paid. They also look at the absenteeism rate over the past three years and at the premium. Certain structural changes in a sector can sometimes lead to an adjustment. The costs for absence insurance may change as a result.

Does cheap absenteeism insurance come at the expense of coverage?

When finding the best and cheapest absenteeism insurance, it is important to look not only at the price, but also at the coverage. The coverage of an absenteeism insurance may differ per insurer. The coverage of an absenteeism insurance includes in any case the costs of continued payment of wages of a sick employee for the first two years. However, with a sick employee there are even more costs involved, because your employee will probably start working for you again after the absence. That is why some insurers include the following costs in the coverage of their sick leave insurance:

  • The employer's costs
  • The absence management
  • The reintegration

However, the cover may differ from one insurer to another. It may therefore be the case that you have to take out separate cover to insure these costs. When you request a quote, you can check the insurers' cover immediately. You can also find this in the policy conditions of the insurer concerned.

Find the cheapest absenteeism insurance by comparing

Absenteeism insurance comes in different forms, because no two companies are the same. What is the right absenteeism insurance for a fellow entrepreneur may not be the same for you. That is why it is important to compare absenteeism insurance in advance. There are several providers on the market, each with a different offer. Both the premiums and the conditions of the insurance may differ considerably.

When looking for absenteeism insurance, it is important to compare the different policies to find the one that best suits your needs. Do not only look at the price, but also at the coverage and the conditions that the insurer sets. Sometimes entrepreneurs choose the cheapest absenteeism insurance they can find, without looking closely at the coverage. Perhaps the cheapest absenteeism insurance does not cover your company as well as you would like. Especially with absenteeism insurance the coverage is important, so that you are well insured against the (often large) financial consequences of employee absenteeism, especially if they are sick for a long time.

Request a quote directly through Alpina!

At Alpina.nl you can easily request a quote for absence insurance. To do this, we only need a few details about your company and your staff so that we can prepare an accurate quote. Are you unable to find it or do you still have questions? Then please contact us. You can reach us by phone at 088 - 688 37 12. We will be happy to assist you.

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How we work

How does Alpina work?

As an intermediary, we are not part of any insurance company. This means that we have no financial or production obligations to the companies we work with. When comparing insurance, we consider your personal situation and specific wishes regarding coverage. Alpina makes insurance clear and fast.

Money back guarantee! (14 days)

Your insurance enquiry will be assessed quickly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can then immediately take to the road with peace of mind. You don't have to worry about your old insurance either. You can cancel it with us directly online.


Alpina complies with all the legal requirements of the AFM. For example, we have the necessary permits and diplomas and we are affiliated with the Financial Services Complaints Institute (Kifid).

Request an offer for absence insurance directly!

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