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Home The Vereende defaulter unable to obtain insurance

I cannot take out insurance because of non-payment: what should I do?

When you are a registered defaulter, it can be very difficult to get insurance. Many regular insurers will reject your application because they feel that as a registered defaulter you pose too great a risk. Fortunately, there is always the insurance company De Vereende that you can turn to. Here we explain how you can take out insurance with De Vereende despite your registration as a defaulter.

defaulter unable to take out insurance

De Vereende- Insurer for special cases and uninsurable risks

The insurance company De Vereende was founded with the goal of still being able to insure special cases and uninsurable risks. Some examples are people who are registered because of a malus position, non-payment or fraud. You can also turn to De Vereende for insurance of a special vehicle or a high-risk event. De Vereende has a broader underwriting policy than most regular insurance companies, so they will accept your application more quickly. De Vereende has no obligation to accept; the insurer may still refuse your application.

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How soon can I, as a defaulter, take out insurance again with a regular insurer?

If your insurer has terminated your previous insurance due to non-payment, this will be registered with the CIS Foundation. This registration with CIS is visible to all insurers and agents who are affiliated to the foundation. Before an insurance company accepts an insurance application, the insurer always checks the CIS database. As long as you are registered there, there is a big chance that a regular insurance company will not accept your insurance application. CIS registrations for non-payment usually remain for three to five years. The exact duration depends on the severity and exact nature of the situation. When this period expires, the CIS registration is automatically deleted from the system and you can take out insurance again with regular insurance companies.

Are you registered as a defaulter? Then take out insurance through Alpina

Are you experiencing problems getting your insurance as a defaulter? Through Alpina you can still get insurance. We are the only party in the Netherlands who can calculate an indication of your premium with the insurer De Vereende. Please note: this is an indication and therefore not a final calculation of the premium to be paid by De Vereende. De Vereende assesses each application individually and thus provides truly tailor-made solutions. When you have submitted your insurance application, the insurer will send you a final calculation.

Do you have any questions? Then you can always contact us. Our team of insurance specialists is ready for you from Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The team is very knowledgeable and can therefore always provide you with appropriate advice. You can contact us by telephone on 088 - 688 37 00. You can also send us a message via WhatsApp, e-mail or Messenger. We will try to answer you as soon as possible!

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Please feel free to contact us if you would like to know more.
We are here Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00.

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