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Home Speed pedelec

Comparing and buying your speed pedelec insurance

The fast bike is ideal for getting to work quickly without a car.

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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All about speed pedelec insurance

A speed pedelec is a bicycle that can go up to 45 km per hour. The speed pedelec is becoming increasingly popular, so we are seeing it more often in Dutch traffic.

Such a fast bike is, of course, ideal for getting to work quickly without a car. In addition, the speed pedelec is also ideal for taking longer bike rides.

Do you own a speed pedelec? Then of course you want to insure it as well as possible. Take out speed pedelec insurance through Alpina.

What is speed pedelec insurance?

Insuring a speed pedelec is mandatory. This is because it has officially been considered a moped since 2017. Therefore, the same rules apply to a speed pedelec as to a moped. This means that you are required to take out at least third-party insurance for your speed pedelec. This insures you for damage you cause to another person.

Why speed pedelec insurance?

A speed pedelec can go up to 45 km per hour. That is quite fast for a bicycle. At such a speed, you can easily cause damage to another person. For example, if you accidentally collide with another cyclist or if you overlook a pedestrian. You are insured for this with speed pedelec insurance with WA coverage. If you also want to insure your own speed pedelec, you can choose a more extensive cover.

What does speed pedelec insurance cover?

There are three different types of cover for speed pedelec insurance: third-party insurance, third-party + theft and fire or third-party + theft, fire and collision. The third-party insurance is mandatory and therefore forms the basic coverage. You can also opt for a third-party insurance + Theft and Fire. This insures you against theft of your speed pedelec and any accessories. In addition, this coverage also covers damage caused by an attempted theft and damage resulting from joyriding. Finally, damage caused by fire and storm is also insured under this cover. The most extensive cover is WA + Fire, Theft and Collision. This fully insures your speed pedelec.

Third-party insurance

You are required to have at least third-party insurance for your speed pedelec. This is because a speed pedelec has a license plate, just like scooters and mopeds. That is why a speed pedelec falls into the same category as a moped and is required to have third-party insurance. This insures you against damage you cause to another person with your speed pedelec.

Third-party insurance for speed pedelecs

The cost of third-party insurance for a speed pedelec depends on a number of things. Namely, there are a number of premium determining factors. These include your age and zip code. The purchase value of the speed pedelec also plays a role. On Alpina.nl you can already calculate an indication of the monthly premium. That way you will know exactly what the cost of your speed pedelec insurance will be.

Best speed pedelec insurance

The best speed pedelec insurance should meet your personal requirements. You can choose to insure your speed pedelec only against third-party liability but if you use it a lot for commuting, it may be wise to take out more comprehensive cover. If your bike gets damaged or you need help in an accident, it is good to be properly insured. So think carefully about the situations you would like to be insured for and base your choice of speed pedelec insurance on that.

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"Comparing insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your insurance every year."

photo Laura van Maarschalkerweerd

Laura van Maarschalkerweerd - Expert insurance.

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