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Use of the vintage car

Vintage car insurance has specific requirements for the use of the vintage car. Partly because of this, the premium is also significantly lower than the premium of regular car insurance.

For example, the vintage car may only be driven a limited number of miles per year. Most insurance companies use a maximum mileage of 5000 or 7500 per year.

Also, the vintage car may not be used for daily use, such as commuting to work, running errands or taking the children to school.
Gio Advisory Group's semi-oldtimer rate is an exception to the rule in this regard.


8. Restriction on tour and regularity rides:

  • Turien = Regularity , agility web contests or puzzle rides that are not (entirely) within the Netherlands.
  • IAK = Regularity , agility web contests or puzzle rides that are not (entirely) within the Netherlands.
  • KNAC = "Agility or regularity race or ride, which did not take place entirely within the Netherlands. The latter limitation does not apply during participation in (inter)national agility or regularity trials which are organized in accordance with the applicable criteria of FEHAC and/or FI VA, provided that the regulations applicable to that trial have been observed. The exclusions mentioned under 1 to 3 do not apply to the insured who proves that the circumstances in question occurred without his knowledge or against his will and that he cannot reasonably be blamed for them.
  • Meeus = "While participating in competitions and speed trials, except for puzzle rides that do not exceed 24 hours and where the speed element is not important.
  • Insuranceuzelf = "While participating in competitions and speed trials, except for touring puzzle rides that do not exceed 24 hours, do not exceed 250 km and where the speed element is not important.
  • ZLM = Damage during puzzle rides not exceeding 24 hours and only within the Netherlands, Belgium and/or Germany. There must be no speed element in it.
  • Unigarant = damage arising during continued driving skills training on a closed circuit, as well as for damage arising during simple, on public roads driven reliability, conviviality, card reading, puzzle rides of up to 24 hours, or while participating in rides (also En duro-rides) which are driven under the auspices of the KNMV or the FIM. Also insured is the participation in acceleration and/or terrain trials, as part of the last mentioned rides.
  • ANWB = damage arising during continued driving skills training on a closed circuit, as well as for damage arising during simple, on public roads driven reliability, conviviality, card reading, puzzle rides of up to 24 hours, or while participating in rides (also En duro-rides) which are driven under the auspices of the KNMV or the FIM. Also insured is the participation in acceleration and/or off-road tests, as part of'last mentioned rides;


Mileage options
The oldtimer tariff came into being because there was a demand from oldtimer drivers for cheaper insurance because few miles were driven with the oldtimer.
The insurer now assumes that not many miles are driven with a vintage car and makes this a requirement. Most insurers apply a mileage of 5000 or 7500 kilometers per year to the oldtimer rate.
Of course, there are also old-timer drivers who drive less and only take the car out of the stable on a beautiful summer day, but there are also those who take pleasure trips more often and, for example, go on vacation with it or participate in a foreign old-timer event.
People also often want the freedom to drive more or less kilometers as it suits them. At TVM, Gio (fixed) and OVHV it is now possible to choose a mileage of 3000 kilometers, and at Turien and Gio (fixed) it is possible to choose a mileage of 10000 kilometers per year. At Gio (semi) it is also possible to choose a mileage of 20000 kilometers per year. Gio thus caters to the classic car driver who wants to drive the vehicle daily.

Rental allowed?
Virtually all insurers exclude damage during rental because, among other reasons, the degree of risk can no longer be assessed. Whether an old-timer enthusiast wants to rent out his classic car remains to be seen, although intermediaries where the vehicle can be rented out privately are on the rise. In the study, there are no insurers that allow rental. In the article article dangers of renting out one's own car, Alpina.nl researched the risks of renting out one's own car, whether or not through a broker.

Stall obligation
A parking obligation may be imposed instead of or in addition to an alarm.
This means that if the vintage car is within 1 kilometer of the home, it must be stored in an enclosed area between sunset and sunrise.
Some insurers have specific times within which the vintage car must be stored. A shared parking garage is not considered storage, nor is a carport. The vehicle really must be stored separately in a properly lockable area. For some vintage car owners, this is difficult because they do not have such an area. If the oldtimer stays elsewhere, for example, is out for the day, then the storage obligation does not apply. However, the insurer may then require a steering rod lock to be installed.

Limitation on touring and regularity rides
A number of insurers impose coverage restrictions on tour and regularity rides because such a ride increases the risk of damage. So if a classic car rider regularly takes part in such rides, this can be an important issue.

Daily use possible?
Intention to use the vintage car daily. The oldtimer enthusiast cherishes the vehicle and uses the oldtimer for pleasure drives, oldtimer events, vacations, etc. Therefore, allowing daily use will not immediately be a prerequisite for the true classic car enthusiast. Because with daily use there is more risk of damage, the insurer who allow this will also have to adjust the premium substantially because the premium (based on the degree of risk of damage) for hobby use can not be handled with daily use. By the way, there is only 1 insurer that allows this daily use (Gio Semi). On the other hand, for the oldtimer enthusiast, it is probably a nice thought that if it should be necessary, the children can be taken away with the oldtimer. A certain degree of freedom is allowed in this.
If there is no first car available for daily use, there is no other option than to insure the vintage car at a regular passenger car rate. The big disadvantage of this is that, given the age of the vehicle, limited-casualty or full-casualty (all-risk) insurance is often not possible or not proportional to the daily value. And with only third-party coverage (damage to third parties insured), the vehicle itself is not insured.
If there are insurers willing to insure the old(er) vehicle with limited hull or full hull insurance, this can only be based on the current market value.
Oldtimer insurances on the other hand offer the possibility to insure on the basis of a fixed appraisal, which means that a licensed appraiser determines the value of the vehicle, and that in case of theft or total loss the appraised value is paid out.
With passenger car insurance, the daily value is then paid out, which in most cases is many times lower than the daily value.
It is also attractive for business drivers if daily use is allowed. With an older car, the business driver has the advantage that the additional tax liability is lower. This addition is calculated on the original list value.
Therefore, a 30-year-old Jaguar has a much lower original list value and BPM, which provides benefits in the case of the fiscal addition. Also, this vehicle still represents a certain value, which can be insured with (limited) hull insurance based on a fixed valuation. The business driver does use the vintage car for commuting and the vehicle can also act as the business driver's business card during customer visits.

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Calculate the premium for classic car insurance

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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