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Home Appviseurs

Appviseurs. Your data always at hand.

Always have your insurance and mortgage information at hand with the Appviseurs app and website. Manage your financial affairs easily and efficiently wherever you are.

Report damage

Report damage quickly and easily with the Appviseurs app.

Inspection of own data

Always have current insurance information on hand with Appviseurs.

Change data

Easily change your customer information online.

Frequently asked questions.

With Appviseurs, you always have access to your current data via your smartphone, PC or laptop. You can view your products and documents, and easily communicate with your advisor. Via the chat function you have direct contact with your financial advisor and you can easily share files.

Where can I download the Appviseurs app?

The Appviseurs app is available for both Appleand Android devices.

I received an invitation to Appviseurs, how do I log in?

You can log in through the app Appviseurs or through the website.

Are you logging in for the first time? Then request a password by using the "Forgot your password?" option. For username, always enter the email address where you received the invitation to use Appviseurs.

Please note that the link in this email is valid for 7 days. Are you trying to create a password after these 7 days? Then first request a new mail using the "Forgot your password?" option.

After using the "Forgot Password?" option, you will receive an email from AI Automation that will allow you to set the password for Appviseurs.

Who is AI Automation?

AI Automation is the company that developed the app and website for Appviseurs. Therefore, feel free to click on the link in the email message. AI Automation([email protected]) is a secure sender.

I can't manage to log in, now what?

This may have several causes. Please follow the following steps to log in:

  1. Open the app or visit the appropriate website: https://mijn.appviseurs.nl/
  2. For username, enter the email address where our invitation to use Appviseurs was received. Please note typos here.
  3. Enter the self-set password manually. Are you copying the password from another location? Then make sure you don't copy a space along with it.
  4. Unable to log in after step 3? Reset your password using the "Forgot your password?" option on the website https://mijn.appviseurs.nl/.
  5. Are you unable to log in after step 4 and using the app? Then uninstall the app, reinstall it and try logging in again.
  6. Are you unable to log in after step 4 and using the website? Then delete the browser history (cookies etc.) and try logging in again.
  7. If you are still unable to log in after the above, we ask that you contact our office.

The login screen is white, now what?

Are you visiting the web version of Appviseurs and getting a white screen on your screen? Then follow these steps:

  1. Are you visiting the right website? You can login through the website https://mijn.appviseurs.nl/
  2. On your keyboard, press CTRL + F5
  3. Can't log in after step 2? Then delete the browser history (cookies etc.) and try logging in again.
  4. If you are still unable to log in after the above, we ask that you contact our office.

I do not receive an email to set my password, now what?

Have you tried to set a new password via the "Forgot Password?" option but do not receive an email notification? Then follow the following steps:

  1. Are you visiting the right website? You can login through the website https://mijn.appviseurs.nl/
  2. Check that you have entered the correct email address. Re-enter the information via the "Forgot your password?" option.
  3. Check that the mail did not accidentally end up in the junk items. The sender of the mail is AI Automation and not Alpina. Therefore, add [email protected] as a safe sender and try to reset the password via the "Forgot password?" option.
  4. If no mail is received after the above please contact our office.

I can't manage to download documents, now what?

Downloading in the app or on the website works in different ways:

App version
In the app, you can only download the file in the following way:
1. Open the desired document.
2. Click the share button at the top right and choose the save to device option. There may be another download button in the app via a menu option. This button does not work, but unfortunately cannot be removed from the app either.

Web version
In the web version you can view all available documents in the left menu via the "Documents" button and download them via the download button behind the document.

Can I use one login account to view my family or other companies' data as well?

If you are a family client and several family members have their own insurance with Alpina, it is possible to share the insurance details between them so that you can also view the insurance details of your family members via 1 login account.

This also applies if you own multiple companies and would like to see this in 1 overview/through 1 login account.

Would you like to take advantage of this? Then please contact us. We can make the link between different persons or companies so that these data can be viewed through 1 login account.

How does Appviseurs work in general?

A comprehensive manual on the general operation of Appviseurs is available. Please visit https://appviseurs.nl/help/.

I did not receive an invitation but want to use the Appviseurs; what should I do?

Call or email our office, our staff can easily send you an invitation to Appviseurs. Or download the app for Android or Apple.

My question is not listed here, what should I do?

Then you can always contact our office. We will be happy to help you!

We can be reached via Chat, Whatsapp, phone or email

Please feel free to contact us if you would like to know more.
We are here Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00.

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