Comparing and securing your cyber insurance
With the large increase in digital traffic, the danger of cybercrime will remain in the years to come.
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All about cyber insurance private
Cyber insurance offers help if you are a victim of cybercrime. There are different forms of cybercrime, such as viruses (malware), phishing and ransomware. More and more businesses are seeing the dangers of cybercrime.
With the great increase in digital traffic, the danger of cybercrime will remain present in the coming years, even for individuals. Is it possible to get cyber insurance as an individual?
Cyber insurance for private individuals
Cybercrime is a very rapidly growing form of crime right now. Everyone is affected by this technological advancement. Of course, this development does not only have advantages. It is important that you respond to this. Becoming a victim of cybercriminals causes a lot of stress.
As for businesses, it is also possible for individuals to purchase cyber insurance. A so-called CyberCarePolicy. Coverage includes all living family members. Student children living away from home, under the age of 27, are also co-insured. When you take out private cyber insurance, there is only coverage for damage you suffer as a private individual.
Features Cyber Insurance Private
- Own risk € 125.00 per event
- World coverage
- € 50,000 insured per event
- Max € 100,000 per year
What is insured?
- Assistance (24/7)
- Computer help
- Investigation costs into the cause and extent of the incident
- Assistance with identity fraud
- Help with removing negative online messages and restoring reputation
- Reimbursement of costs in cases of identity fraud and breach of privacy (including costs of defence)
- Compensation for loss of money on account
What is not insured (exclusions)?
There are a number of items excluded from coverage by default in cyber insurance for both businesses and individuals, such as:
- Intentionally causing damage
- When committing fraud
- If the damage arises from data you obtained illegally
- Damage caused by war, looting and governmental action
In addition, the following items are not insured with cyber insurance:
- Damage that occurred prior to the effective date
- Damage incurred where a co-insured is a suspect, the perpetrator or co-perpetrator.
- Damage caused by the lack of appropriate security measures.
In many cases with cyber insurance, you have a deductible. The deductible is the part of the damage that, every time you have damage, you have to pay yourself. How high this deductible is can be found in the policy conditions.
Why close at Alpina?
It is possible to take out cyber insurance for individuals at Alpina. Above you can make a calculation directly.
Do you have questions about (the coverage of) cyber insurance? If so, please contact us. We are happy to help! We can be reached by phone from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 18:00 on telephone number 088-6883700.
What types of cybercrime are covered?
There are different forms of cybercrime. Criminals can "break into" your computer or phone, for example, in several ways. Below are some different forms of cybercrime with a brief explanation.
If you are dealing with any of the online incidents listed below, you can count on quick and targeted help.
You will be helped immediately by experienced security specialists who know exactly what to do in such a situation.
Identity fraud
Identity fraud is the misuse of your identity. This occurs to both companies and individuals. These false identities may be used to order products or services.
Cyber extortion
In cyber extortion, your files may be encrypted, making them inaccessible to you. To regain access to your files and prevent your files from being made public, you may be forced to pay money.
Violation of privacy
This involves loss, theft or damage of personal information about you or someone else that is stored on your computer.
Loss of money on account
This includes the "loss" of money through phishing, malware or hacking. It also includes the fraudulent use of your debit or credit card in the form of a purchase or cash withdrawal.
Reputation damage
This is referred to when your good name is intentionally tarnished as a result of negative messages, insults or privacy-sensitive data posted online. To hide these negative expressions, or if possible, remove them from online search engines, you can purchase cyber insurance.
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"Comparing insurance almost always pays off. Premiums may have increased or your personal situation may have changed. That's why we recommend comparing your insurance every year."

Laura van Maarschalkerweerd - Expert insurance.
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