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Anti-burglary tips

Anti-burglary tips

Feb 19, 2019
4 min reading time

Residential burglaries are unfortunately a regular occurrence. You cannot always prevent a home burglary, but you can make it as difficult as possible for burglars. We have compiled a number of tips for you.

It is very important that you feel safe at home. A burglary can cause you to lose that sense of security. A good home contents insurance policy is very important.

To better secure your home, below are some tips that will make it very difficult for burglars to enter your home.

Get your old locks replaced

Burglars use a variety of methods to enter homes. Provide good locks on the doors and have old locks replaced.
For example, choose cylinder locks with the Police Mark Safe Living.

Provide an alarm system

There are many types of alarm systems. An alarm system does not have to be expensive these days and deters many burglars.
If you have purchased an alarm system, it is wise to show it by putting a sticker on the window warning that the home is secured by an alarm system.

Seal your property properly

It is very important that you close windows and lock doors before you leave. It sounds very logical, but unfortunately it is fairly common that this is not done. Even when you only leave home for a short time, it is advisable to do so.

Don't put an extra key in the garden

Putting an extra key under the doormat or in a flower pot can sometimes be handy, but is not a smart thing to do. Burglars are often aware of these "secret places" and can therefore enter your home without leaving any signs of forced entry. A better option is to leave a key with a neighbor or family member.

Create the impression that you are at home

Leave a lamp on when you know you will be away from home at night or make sure you have a timer switch. With a time switch, you can set a light to come on in the house at a certain time. This gives the impression that someone is home. It is also smart to leave a coffee cup on the counter or table. Burglars prefer to take as little risk as possible, and when they think someone is home, they are less likely to seek out your home.

Don't put valuables in plain sight

Store your valuables in a closet or put them in places that cannot be seen from the outside. This way, burglars won't see valuables lying around and it becomes less attractive to break into your home.

Do not post on social media that you are not home

In your enthusiasm, you may post where and when you are going on vacation on social media after booking a vacation. No matter how excited you are about your upcoming vacation, never put this on social media. You may also choose to post how wonderful your vacation was after your vacation. What you can do better is to tell people in person that you booked a nice trip or are going out to dinner tonight.

Let neighbors know you are not home

When you go on vacation or are away from home for a few days, it is smart to let your neighbors know. They can take care of your plants and take the mail off the mat during your absence. That way it will seem like you are just home. In addition, they will be more alert to suspicious situations when they know you are not home.

A good contents insurance policy

Should your home still be broken into despite following the above tips, it is important that you are properly insured. Also, always report the crime immediately.

Do you need advice on appropriate insurance? If so, please contact us. We can be reached by phone Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at 088-6883700

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