Insuring a car in another name than the owner: is that possible?
Is it possible to take out a car insurance policy in a name other than that of the owner? Insurers will not readily agree to this. In the Netherlands, the holder of the registration certificate is obliged to take out insurance. He or she has to insure the car.
As a license plate holder, why wouldn't you buy your own car insurance even though you are required to? Below we describe some situations in which this may be the case.
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Car insurance in name of partner
With partners, it can happen that one partner puts the vehicle in the name and holds the licence plate, but the other partner wants to insure the car. Most insurers have no problem with this.
When non-partners want to purchase car insurance in another name, the company will often not cooperate. This is usually to get around a registration that the licensee has in his name. The term "blacklist" is also used colloquially when, for example, someone has driven a lot of damage or has been banned from driving. There is no such "blacklist" for insurance. However, you can be registered if you have filed a claim with your insurer. However, a company can always see who the license plate holder is and will run a check for that person as well.
Level of premium depends on age
The amount of the premium for auto insurance depends in part on the driver's age. Young drivers pay more premium. To get around this higher premium, it happens that young license plate holders have the car insured by, for example, one of the parents. Again, the insurer can indeed see who the license plate holder is.
Interest of policyholder
If the policyholder is not the licence plate holder or owner of the car, he feels less responsible for the car. The risk of non-payment of the premium or damage to the car is then greater. Insurers will therefore be wary of taking out car insurance in a name other than that of the owner.
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