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What does car insurance cost?

The cost of your car insurance depends on the risk. Age plays an important role here. Elderly and young people pay a higher premium for car insurance. What is the reason for this difference?

How is the premium determined?

Claim-free years give you a discount on the premium for a car insurance. By putting a car insurance in your name and driving without damage, you build up claim-free years. When you do not claim any damage during the whole insurance year you will get one claim-free year. When you make a claim, you will lose more years free of claims.

Whether or not you have damage-free years makes a big difference to the amount of the premium. This makes car insurance for young people relatively expensive. They have not yet had the opportunity to build up claim-free years. By driving without claims, you can build up a discount of up to 85% with most insurers.

Third-party liability (mandatory)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

Limited airframe

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

All Risk (WA+Casco)

  • Damage to others
  • Theft, joyriding and loss
  • Windscreen damage
  • Damage by fire or natural disaster
  • Own damage caused by a collision

Are there different costs per coverage?

The cost of your car insurance depends on the coverage you choose.

There are three standard forms of insurance. When taking out a car insurance policy, you can choose between the following coverages:

The different types of insurance are briefly explained below.

A third-party insurance only offers coverage against liability damage. The insurer will therefore compensate damage caused to others. Damage to your own car is not covered by this insurance. For cars of 10 years or older, often only the obligatory third-party insurance is chosen. However, it can also be wise to choose a more extensive coverage for these cars.

The limited hull insurance is an addition to the compulsory third-party car insurance. A good alternative with a broader coverage is the WA limited casco. Not only the damage done to others is covered, but also damage caused by:

The damages that are claimed on the limited casco part of the insurance do not affect the claim-free years. For cars from 6 to 10 years old, the WA limited case is often chosen. The most logical choice for new cars is the WA-casco(all risk) insurance.

The biggest difference in coverage with the WA limited casco is that with an all-risk insurance your own collision damage is also compensated by your own insurer. Vandalism damage is also insured with an all-risk insurance.

Get car insurance? Calculate your premium!

Determining factors

Important premium determining factors are:

  • The selected coverage
  • The number of claim-free years you have accumulated
  • Your age
  • Your postal code

Has car insurance become more expensive for the young and old?

The fact that the cost of car insurance is higher for young people has to do with, among other things, the claim-free years that they have not yet accumulated. Insurers can also substantiate with figures that both young and old people cause more damage. Research by an insurer shows that motorists aged 81 or older are seven times more likely to have an accident than motorists between 61 and 65. Therefore, people in their sixties usually pay a favourable premium for the insurance. On average, older drivers pay €5 to €10 more per month compared to younger drivers. With certain insurers, people over 75 can no longer take out a car insurance policy. They can stay insured, but they are not eligible for a new car insurance.

Can I compare car insurance costs?

When choosing car insurance, it is important that you compare different insurers. After all, you have dozens of insurers to choose from. If one insurer is too expensive, choose another cheaper insurer. Comparing car insurance is important. You will thus ensure that the cost of your car insurance is not too high.

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Calculate car insurance premium

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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