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Damage to car paintwork: claim or pay for it yourself?

Paint damage to your car is obviously a shame and you would prefer to have it repaired quickly. Unfortunately, a third party or limited liability insurance does not offer compensation for damage to paintwork. Whether this concerns scratches on your car or another form of damage to paintwork. Are you all-risk insured? Then damage to your car will be compensated by the insurer, even when the culprit is unknown. If the culprit is known, the insurer will recover the damage from the other party. Apart from filling out a claim form, you don't have to do anything extra for this.

Claiming paint damage is not always beneficial. Often you fall back in the number of claim-free years. As a result, you still indirectly pay for the scratches, because the premium of your car insurance is increased. By driving damage-free, you build up claim-free years. If you have built up claim-free years, you get a discount on the premium of your car insurance. The car insurance has to be in your name. By claiming a damage you lose your claim-free years, which means you have to pay a little more for your car insurance.

car paintwork damage

I have paint damage on the car what should I do?

Whether or not the perpetrator of the paint damage is known varies from case to case. Is the culprit known and are you WA or limited casco insured? Then you must recover the damage yourself from the other party. It is wise to collect as much information as possible and provide sufficient evidence by taking photos and any witness statements. In this way, the insurer can determine the damage and the question of guilt and will eventually compensate the damage, if you are found to be in your right.

If you have legal expenses insurance then you can use this insurance and you do not have to approach the other party's insurer yourself.

Is the culprit unknown or did you cause the paint damage yourself? Then consider carefully whether you will claim the damage on your all-risk car insurance policy. As mentioned before, this will cost you claim-free years. Sometimes it is possible to repair the scratches in your car yourself. That way you save a lot on the cost of a repair.

In some cases, you can get compensation from the Waarborgfonds. The Waarborgfonds is financed by all insurance companies that provide car insurance in the Netherlands. So indirectly, everyone who has a motor vehicle (and is insured!) contributes to the Waarborgfonds. You have to be able to prove that the damage was caused by another car and you need at least two witness statements.

Car insurance? Calculate your premium!

Scratch on car what does insurance do?

Whether the insurer will pay for the repair of a scratch on your car depends on your car insurance coverage. Unfortunately, a WA or limited casco car insurance does not offer coverage for paintwork damage. If you have an all-risk car insurance, paintwork damage is covered. If the perpetrator of the damage is known, the insurer will recover the damage from the other party. You do not have to do anything yourself. If the culprit is unknown, the insurer will also pay compensation. If you discover a scratch on your car, it is important that you contact your insurer or agent immediately. They will tell you what to do to claim the damage. Sometimes damage must first be appraised by an expert, but often you can go directly to the garage.

Car paint damage how do you fix it?

Car paint damage can happen to anyone. By someone else, but also because you accidentally hit a pole or scrape along the wall. You can always have your car repaired by a garage. However, this can quickly become a major expense, because repairing paint damage is not always cheap. Is the damage not too bad? Then you might want to try repairing the damage yourself with a paint pen or car paint spray can. However, don't just go ahead and do it yourself. You can seek professional advice or read up on yourself and watch instructional videos online.

Where can I repair paint damage?

Does the Guarantee Fund not pay anything? Then you could repair the paint damage yourself or hire a company/garage to do it for you. However, this will quickly cost you hundreds of euros. If you are going to repair the paintwork yourself, always get professional advice before you start.

Paint damage repair how does it work?

Paint damage always seems easy to repair, but unfortunately this is not always the case. It depends on the size of the damage and where it is located. For example, damage to a mirror cover is often easy to repair, but paint damage to the front bumper is not always so simple. In addition, sometimes you're dealing with invisible damage, such as behind the bumper. If you have the paint damage repaired by a garage, the costs will quickly increase. Especially if a part has to be replaced or the car has to be repainted. Small, superficial paint damages you may be able to repair yourself, for example with a paint pen or car paint spray can.

Can I compare car insurance policies?

Premiums and conditions can vary greatly from one car insurance policy to another. At www.alpina.nl you can easily compare car insurance policies online and take out a policy right away when you have found a car insurance policy that suits you and your car better than your current one.

Have a question? Then take a look at our frequently asked questions. Here are the most frequently asked questions per product. Is your question not there? Please contact us. We will gladly help you! We are available from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00 on telephone number 088-6883700.

Calculate your car insurance premium directly!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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