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Home Switching After premium increase

What should I do if I want to switch after a premium increase?

When you take out car insurance, it is usually for a minimum of one year. After the first year you can cancel the insurance daily. However, insurers are allowed to change the conditions or increase the premium during the term of the insurance policy. This does not always happen on the expiry date of the contract. If your insurer increases the premium, it may be more favourable for you to switch to another insurer. Also if you claim damage, the premium will increase. But can you just switch after a premium increase? In this article we explain it to you.

Take out car insurance? Calculate the premium!

switching after premium increase

Car insurance premiums up

There must be a valid reason for a premium increase. There are two situations in which an insurer can increase the premium: after a claim and a general premium increase. An insurer must provide clear information about this, but this does not always happen. Are you not sure how the premium was raised? Then you can always ask for a clear explanation from the insurer. As a policyholder, you are entitled to this.

Take out car insurance? Calculate the premium!

General increase

You have probably chosen a car insurance with favourable conditions and a low premium. And then the insurer suddenly increases the premium, so that you pay more every month for your car insurance. Annoying! If your insurer decides to increase the premium, you can change your car insurance. You can also terminate the insurance. This can be done with effect from the date on which the premium increase takes effect. You usually have to notify your insurer or intermediary of the termination within 30 days of the increase taking effect.

Higher premium due to damage

Do you claim a loss with the insurer? Then you lose 5 claim-free years and you receive less premium discount. This means that your premium will increase. Therefore it is possible that you are cheaper with another insurer. Switching car insurance after damage can be wise in that case. However, if you have negative claim-free years, switching is not always wise. When the premium is increased because of a claim, it is not possible to cancel the insurance without notice, like with a general premium increase. If you want to terminate the car insurance, the usual notice period applies.

Compare different providers through Alpina

Do you doubt the wisdom of switching after premium increases? You can always check whether you are better off elsewhere. You can do this by comparing different providers. During the comparison, you fill in a number of details about yourself and your car. You will also fill in the number of claim-free years you have accrued. Based on these data, you will receive a list of car insurance policies, including the corresponding premiums. This allows you to compare providers on price and content. This way you can quickly see whether it pays off to switch or whether you would be better off staying with your current car insurance company. Do you decide to switch? If so, you can arrange this directly online with us.

Has your premium gone up? Compare premiums through Alpina and switch immediately!

If you want to switch car insurance you can do so directly at Alpina.nl! We always offer the best coverage and premiums. Do you not want to change your car insurance, but terminate your current insurance? Then there are other rules attached to that. Read here when you can end your insurance.

Our insurance specialists will be happy to help you with all your questions. You can call us Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00 on 088- 688 37 00. You can also send us a message via email, WhatsApp or Messenger. Also check our frequently asked questions about car insurance.

Take out a car insurance policy now!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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