De Vereende building insurance
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"Our aim is to put you with a regular insurance company. We also succeed in many cases. If it is not possible then we work with De Vereende."

Laura - Property and Casualty Insurance Expert
For years expert in property and casualty insurance

All about De Vereende home insurance
With De Vereende Opstalverzekering you insure the damage to your house and the real estate belonging to it (things that are not movable or earth- and nailproof). Think for example of a built-in kitchen and a shed or fence belonging to the house.
What is the insured amount with De Vereende Opstalverzekering?
The building insurance is usually determined on the basis of the reinstatement value. The reinstatement value is the amount that is necessary to build a comparable new house at the same location. The reinstatement value is calculated by multiplying the volume of the house (m³) by the reinstatement value per cubic metre.
Are foundations included in the insurance?
Often people also ask if the foundations should be included in the insurance. Foundations are the parts of the building below the lowest walkable floor on which the house is built. Foundations do not fall under the term residential house and thus must be co-insured separately if desired. We recommend that you do so because it is quite an expense if the foundations are damaged, for example, by an explosion.
What different types of coverages?
The building insurance usually includes 4 types of coverage, namely:
- Fire cover. This is the most limited insurance.
- Comprehensive cover (UGV).
- The UGV+.
- The all-risk cover. This is the most comprehensive cover.
This coverage pays for damage caused by fire, lightning, storm (wind force 7 or more), water damage, burglary, vandalism and collision.
Is building insurance mandatory?
In principle, buildings insurance is not mandatory. However, if you own your own home with a mortgage, the bank generally does require buildings insurance.
De Vereende intermediary
Alpina is an intermediary of De Vereende. This means that you can purchase insurance from De Vereende with us.
Can you apply for Vereende Property insurance online?
It is possible to apply online for building insurance with De Vereende. We advise you to use our comparison module where you see the results of the regular companies. Choose the company you like and complete the application by filling in all questions truthfully. There is a chance that the company can still accept you at the regular rate. Should this not be the case, we will send you a proposal for De Vereende.
Please note that an insurance with De Vereende can only take effect after you have paid the first premium AND after you have returned the signed application form. We will send you the application form by e-mail.
Do you have several Vereende insurance policies?
There are different types of insurance offered by De Vereende, namely:
- De Vereende car insurance. This insurance will always be accepted, but the premium is higher than for a regular car insurance.
- De Vereende liability insurance. With the liability insurance of De Vereende you are insured against damage that you accidentally cause to another person or to another person's belongings.
- De Vereende contents insurance. This insurance covers all movable items (things in the house that are movable) that belong to your private household.
- De Vereende motorcycle insurance. This insurance insures the risk that you cause damage with your motorcycle to others, also damage to your own motorcycle can be insured.
- De Vereende building insurance. With this insurance, you insure damage to your home and the real estate belonging to it (things in the house that cannot be moved, i.e. earth and nail fixed).
- De Vereende scooter insurance. With the scooter insurance of De Vereende you insure the risk that you cause damage to others with your scooter. In addition you can also insure your own scooter against for instance damage or theft.
- De Vereende taxi insurance. This insurance offers coverage throughout the Netherlands, including the major cities.
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