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Insuring a car on Saturday: is this possible?

Is it possible to insure a car on Saturday? Yes. At Alpina, you can get car insurance 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Every business day until 6 p.m., a team of underwriters is on hand to help you get car insurance.

However, it is also possible to take out a car insurance policy online. Within one minute, you will have the premium on your screen and if you take out the insurance, you will immediately see whether you are covered or not. In most cases, the policy is sent to you by e-mail within one minute. Also on Saturdays.

car insurance saturday

However, it is also possible to take out a car insurance policy online. Within one minute, you will have the premium on your screen and if you take out the insurance, you will immediately see whether you are covered or not. In most cases, the policy is sent to you by e-mail within one minute. Also on Saturdays.

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Tips on insuring your car on Saturday

Most insurance companies are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. However, many insurers can be reached by telephone on Saturdays and/or Sundays. When contacting the insurer by telephone, an insurance is often definitively accepted, also during the weekend. Provided, of course, that there are no peculiarities or deviations. If an insurer does not immediately accept the insurance, the insurance may still be refused at a later date. Are you taking out a car insurance policy online on a Saturday? Then you will probably receive provisional cover. It may therefore be worth calling the insurer to get final cover on Saturday.

Insuring a car on Saturday: provisional cover

When taking out car insurance on a Saturday, you will in most cases receive provisional cover. After sending your insurance application, the insurer still has to approve it. The policy will only be sent to you once it has been approved. Until that time, you would of course like to make use of your car and car insurance. That is why provisional cover exists. With provisional coverage you are already insured, but the final acceptance and policy will follow. When you take out car insurance on Saturday, you will receive provisional cover.

Insure your car in 3 minutes online at Alpina

With us, you can get car insurance within 3 minutes, even on Saturdays! We have made the process of getting car insurance very easy. You enter a few personal details and your wishes, and the insurances that meet them will appear on your screen. Including premiums and policy conditions per insurer. This way, you can easily compare car insurances. Once you have found a suitable insurance, you can take out the policy within minutes.

We are closed on weekends, but during the week you can always contact us directly. We can be reached by phone from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 18:00 at telephone number 088-6883700. On weekends, of course, you can always send us a message via email, WhatsApp or Messenger, and we will answer you as soon as possible during the week.

Transferring your car on a Saturday? Read here how!

Compare car insurance premiums online!

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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