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Car insurance more expensive due to apping in car

Aug 24, 2017
3 min reading time

Aping behind the wheel poses danger. Makes sense too, because if your attention is on typing a text you can't keep your attention on the road. Did you know that smartphone use is much more likely to cause an accident?

Insurers Nationale Nederlanden and Achmea have presented figures for the first six months of 2017. Independently, they have warned about the dangers of apping in the car. The police are going to check for it more actively and issue fines. But highlighting the dangers may have an additional effect.

What are the dangers of appending while driving?

People are 10 times more likely to have an accident due to apping or other actions with their phone in their hand. An American study shows that 68% of accidents are caused by distraction. That could be choosing another radio station or turning on the air conditioner. Using the cell phone is even more dangerous in comparison to these actions. Typing a text with the smartphone on your lap completely swallows your attention. In an unexpected event such as crossing a pedestrian, you have a high chance of having an accident. If the insurer manages to prove that a claim was caused by using a smartphone, you have a big problem.

Damage caused by apping behind the wheel - Who pays for the damage?

In an accident caused by your fault, your car's insurer will pay for the other party's damages. If you have third-party liability insurance, you will also be reimbursed for your own damages. The situation is different in an accident caused by using your cell phone. The injured party can still file a claim with your car's insurer, but the insurer may be able to recover the paid damages from you. In that case, you have to bear the damage to your own car yourself. The insurer does have to prove that you were using your phone for calling or other uses at the time of the accident. Therein lies the problem for insurers. The phone provider has this kind of information, but they are not allowed to give the data.

How much does car insurance get more expensive because of apping?

Nationale Nederlanden has announced an increase in its car insurance premium as of October. A major reason for this increase is the rising cost of claims due to, among other things, apping. It is an assumption, because they cannot back it up with figures. This is because insurers cannot prove that a cell phone played a role in certain damages.

Through strict control and heavy fines, the police try to curb the use of phones in the car, but the chances of getting caught are slim. Motorists know that too. Motorists do not sufficiently realize the risks. Don't put your life and the lives of other road users at risk and stay offline as long as you participate in traffic.

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