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Home Blog Car Car insurance - Will premiums go up due to EU rules?

Car insurance - Will premiums go up due to EU rules?

Sep 11, 2017
3 min reading time

For over a year now, car insurance premiums have been going up sharply. A further increase is imminent due to EU rules. What do they entail and how do the rules affect car insurance premiums?

Rules and laws devised within the EU can affect our daily lives. They can also affect us indirectly. Within the EU, plans have recently been announced to better protect accident victims. In all EU states, victims must be able to claim more easily the compensation to which they are entitled. The regulations must become more unambiguous. That's a noble goal, of course, but it will affect car insurance premiums.

Why is the premium going up because of EU rules?

In addition to making it easier to claim benefits, insurers will also gain work. Insurers will have to better understand the claims history of policyholders coming from other member states. The EU's interference will potentially cause car insurance premiums to rise in two areas. First, risk will increase. There is likely to be a push for generous compensation for victims. Second, insurers have to spend a lot of time and money complying with European rules. In turn, the costs incurred by insurers will be passed on in the premium. So the bill ends up with the policyholder.

Also insuring lawn mowers?

The rule change goes even further. Residents must also have better insurance coverage against motor vehicle risks. This can go as far as requiring expensive third-party insurance for a small riding lawn mower. All motor vehicles may need to be insured. Even if they do not leave private property. The increasing bureaucracy alone may require us to pay deeply. In fact, insurers have to invest a lot of time in vague rules and regulations.

It remains to be seen whether the EU will really push it through. If it goes through at all, it will possibly be discussed for years first. There is also a strong possibility that the plans will be put on hold for a longer period of time.

If the premium goes up, just switch anyway!

If the premium rises sharply, you can limit your financial losses by switching to another insurer. This is because the premium differences between various insurers are large. The premium has also risen sharply in the past two years, but you do not have to suffer from this. Have you been with the same insurer for years and your insurer has increased the premium? Chances are you can save hundreds of euros per year.


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