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RDW makes license plate inspection easier

Jul 27, 2022
2 min reading time

The RDW has made it easier to retrieve vehicle history up to 9 years back. Until recently, consumers who wanted to view their vehicle history online had to pay to do so. But that violates the law, which is why the Consumers' Association sounded the alarm with the Personal Data Authority (AP).

Through the RDW website, consumers can check for free which license plates are currently in their names. But anyone who wanted to look up which license plates were in their name in the past had to pay €4.65. Requesting the license plate history for free was only possible through a letter with a copy of the identity document.

In violation of privacy law

According to the Consumers' Association, the RDW's procedure violated the Privacy Act. This requires that consumers must be able to request all the personal data that an organization holds about them without hindrance. However, the RDW stated that they provided additional data for the amount requested. The Consumers' Association then asked the AP for a ruling.

Inspection request via DigiD

The AP vindicated the Consumers Union and ordered the RDW to modify the inspection procedure. They have done so. Through the RDW site, consumers can now make a free inspection request using their DigiD. The Consumers' Association took the test and within 2 weeks received a registered letter containing all requested data up to 9 years back.

What is DigiD

With your DigiD you show who you are when you arrange something on the Internet. This allows you to securely arrange your affairs online. You can also use DigiD from abroad and to log in to organizations in other European countries.

You use your DigiD to log on to the websites of the government, health care institutions and pension funds. The organizations know they are dealing with the right person thanks to DigiD.

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