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Is the electric company car on the rise?

Aug 06, 2018
3 min reading time

The electric passenger car has become popular in recent years. Will the same happen with the electric company car, or are the practical problems still too great?

Partly due to the rising prices of fossil fuels, more entrepreneurs are interested in an electric company car. The biggest concern is still the range. That is the number of kilometers a vehicle can drive on a full battery. But driving 170 to 250 kilometers on a full battery is sufficient for many entrepreneurs. Yet the step to electric is still big. Why is that?

Electric driving is on the verge of breaking through

Currently, electric vans have a 0.3% market share. A total of nearly 900,000 vans are on the road, so for the owners of these cars, the obstacle to electric driving may still be too great. Entrepreneurs are not yet ready. But things may change in the coming years. More and more objections are being removed. It is not unlikely that buying an electric van will be encouraged by subsidies, for example.

First, the range must increase

More business owners are switching when they can drive more miles on a full battery. It will be a matter of time until batteries can be used to drive hundreds of additional miles. It is not a pleasant feeling to be stranded on the road because the battery is no longer sufficiently charged.

There should be more charging stations

In more and more places you can charge an electric car, but it is not yet comparable to the places where you can fill up with fossil fuels. National coverage still needs further improvement.

Charging should be faster

It takes a long time to fully charge a battery in an electric company car. You can choose fast charging at certain points, but even then it still takes 20 minutes. Fossil fuel refueling only takes a few minutes.

A trailer behind an electric company car is a problem

The biggest objection, though, is often that electric company cars are not powerful enough. You cannot just hang a heavy trailer behind them. Because of this, these cars are certainly not yet suitable for all industries, but for delivering packages or food within a city, they are just right.

The electric company car will not really break through until the biggest disadvantages are eliminated. Laws and regulations also influence this. A subsidy can boost sales figures. Strict environmental regulations in cities can also be a reason to go for a less polluting company car.

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