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Helmet requirement for moped bike women
Home Blog From Jan. 1, 2023, helmet requirement for moped riders

From Jan. 1, 2023, helmet requirement for moped riders

Nov. 28, 2022
2 min reading time

As of Jan. 1, 2023, it is required by law to wear a helmet on a moped with a blue license plate. This also applies to any passengers. Moped riders not wearing an (approved) helmet risk a €100 fine. With the helmet requirement, the government hopes to reduce the number of traffic injuries and fatalities among moped riders.

What does an approved helmet look like?

An approved helmet is identified by a circle with the capital letter E in it. After the E is a number, and each number represents an EU country. In the Netherlands, approved helmets are given the number 4. An approved speed-pedelec helmet has an NTA 8776:2016 marking.

Are moped riders still allowed to ride on the bike lane?

Even after Jan. 1, 2023, moped riders will be allowed to ride on bike lanes. Until then, a helmet is only mandatory in places where the moped is moved to the carriageway. Only in Amsterdam and Utrecht is it currently mandatory to ride on the carriageway. A helmet requirement already applies there. Nothing will change about the other rules for moped riders.

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