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Keeping your good intentions: this year for real!

Dec. 30, 2022
3 min reading time

Exercising more often. Eating healthier. Drinking less. Spend more time offline. Do you also faithfully make a list of good intentions every year, only to forget them jet by the second week of January as you plop down on the couch for the third night in a row with a bag of chips, a glass of wine and Netflix? You're not the only one. Making resolutions is often a lot easier than actually keeping them. To give you a hand, we have listed 3 tips for you below. These will help you keep your resolutions this year!

1. Set a clear, realistic but above all achievable goal

Most resolutions fail because they are not achievable goals. Do you want to become fluent in Spanish, run a marathon and spend more time with your family? Then a year may not be enough time to do all these things. Make sure your resolutions are realistic and achievable. Formulate clear goals. For example, instead of saying "I want to save more this year," say "I want to save $5,000 this year.

2. Break down your goal into small subgoals

It helps to divide your goal into small sub-goals. That way you make your resolution smaller and more manageable. For example, is your resolution to run a marathon this year? 42.195 is a big distance. Therefore, it makes sense to divide this into smaller distances and run a little further each week. Do you want to exercise more often? Then don't start immediately with three times a week if you actually spend all your evenings on the couch at the moment, but start slowly with once a week.

3. Track your progress and reward yourself

Nothing works as motivating as rewarding yourself for progress. When doing this, don't just keep your eye on the big goal, but also reward yourself for small accomplishments. For example, consider taking a half-hour walk every day for a week or spending an hour less per day online. Rewarding yourself will give you extra motivation to stick to your resolutions.

Also take a look at your insurance policies

Life is expensive enough right now. Is your resolution to save money this year? Then take a critical look at your insurance policies. Which insurances do you have and do they still fit your personal situation? For example, did you take out car insurance with all-risk coverage years ago? Cars decrease in value every year. Therefore, the amount of the insurance premium may no longer be proportional to the current value of the car. Or maybe you are currently cheaper with another insurer. By switching, you can end up saving a lot of money.

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