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Where can I find the cheapest car insurance?

Of course you want the cheapest car insurance, but how do you go about it? Step one is to take a critical look at your current insurance. Have you been with the same insurer for years? Chances are you can save a lot of money by switching. Which insurer offers you the cheapest car insurance?

Unfortunately, we can't tell you which insurer to go to to get the cheapest car insurance. It differs per person, situation and car. You can make calculations on websites of different insurers, but that is quite labor-intensive. It can be done easier and faster, namely by using the comparison tool of Alpina.nl. We are happy to explain how you can compare.

Find the cheapest car insurance in a few minutes

With our comparison tool, you actually compare several insurers by entering the necessary data once. The advantage is even greater, because you do not only get the cheapest car insurance, but you also compare the conditions.

damage to a parked car

What do you need?

To find the cheapest car insurance, all you need is your car's registration number. With this information, all the details of your car can be entered into the comparison. Of course, more data is needed for a comparison, but the other questions are easy to answer. You can think of questions like:

  • How many claim-free years have you accumulated?
  • When did you get your driving licence?
  • How many kilometres a year do you drive the car?

The answers to these and the other questions you will probably not need to look up and can be answered directly.

Get car insurance? Calculate your premium!

How much can you save?

The most expensive can be hundreds of euros per year more expensive than the cheapest car insurance. So the savings are enormous, and also annual. Actually, you should compare every year. Not only for the cheapest car insurance, but also for the best coverage for your car. You can also use the savings in other ways. For example, you can opt for a more comprehensive cover for a similar premium. For example, your car is now insured with WA limited casco. It is quite possible that you can insure your car WA hull (all-risk) for about the same amount with another insurer. This way you not only have the cheapest car insurance, but also the best possible coverage.

Can you cancel your current car insurance?

Once insurance policies have been in force for a year, they can be cancelled. Insurers are allowed to extend annual contracts, but you can cancel the insurance on a daily basis after the first year. They are allowed a cancellation period of one month. An e-mail to the current insurer is sufficient. Make sure you have replacement coverage before the old insurance is terminated. An uninsured car can cause problems.

Compare premiums online for cheap car insurance

To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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