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Prefer not to use motorcycle insurance - Keep it safe

May 25, 2018
3 min reading time

In the event of damage to your motorcycle, you may have recourse to motorcycle insurance, but that is not the greatest danger. In an accident, you may get the damage to your motorcycle paid from motorcycle insurance, but you are left with the physical damage for weeks, months or even forever. The motorcycle insurance covers the financial damage of the motorcycle, but safety still takes precedence.

Motorcyclists are vulnerable in traffic. Even a slight slip in a corner can cause a fall. Damage to the motorcycle is usually not the biggest problem, but that is what motorcycle insurance is for. Compared to motorists, motorcyclists need to pay extra attention to safety. Here are some useful tips. That you should not ride too fast is too obvious, but that is actually the best tip imaginable. After all, at high speeds, correcting mistakes made by yourself or others often no longer makes sense.

Maintain eye contact with other road users

A motorcycle can optically disappear against the background of trees or a building, for example. You are thus easily overlooked. Therefore, keep a close eye on other road users. For example, make eye contact with a motorist who is likely to give way to you. Is there no eye contact? Keep in mind that you will be overlooked.

Ensure good visibility

Many motorcyclists have motorcycle suits with fluorescent yellow patches on them. This can be just the difference between being seen or not seen. Would you rather not ride in such a suit? Your motorcycle insurance doesn't require it. Then provide conspicuous parts to your clothing in another way. This could be a traffic jacket, for example. Of course keeping your lights on when it is not dark also contributes positively.

Protect your ears properly

Safety tips from motorcycle insurance often emphasize protective gear, but did you know that your ears may also need protection? Wind noise alone can damage your hearing. With good hearing protectors, you can prevent hearing damage but still be able to hear traffic noise well.

Watch your congestion behavior

A big advantage of a motorcycle in commuting is that you are less affected by traffic jams. However, riding between stationary cars does involve additional risks. Reduce your speed to no more than 10 kilometers per hour. This is because the stationary cars do not assume that traffic can also pass by. Even then, it is still necessary to pay attention. Some motorists tend to switch lanes if they feel the other lane is going faster. In addition, keep an eye out for other motorcyclists trying to pass in the same way.

Your own safety comes first. Always keep that in mind. Having good motorcycle insurance does not eliminate the greatest danger.

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Recovery service

Alpina cooperates with 112schade.nl to recover non-covered damage from the other party. Has someone caused damage to you, but you have no coverage on your own policy? 112schade.nl can help you recover your damage from the other party completely free of charge.

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