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Home News Alpina BikeUp Bike Week

Learn to ride safely during Alpina BikeUp Bike Week

Nov 08, 2023
3 min reading time

From Nov. 6 to 12, Alpina BikeUp Bike Week will take place. An initiative that calls attention to the safety of cycling children. During the campaign, Alpina will make traffic kits available to elementary school in 24 locations throughout the Netherlands. Ambassador of the BikeUp Bike Week is BMX'er and Olympic medalist Merel Smulders, who shares videos with tips on safe cycling on social media during the Bike Week.

Marc Diks

Bike safety

"Safety of cycling children is an important issue we think at Alpina. Especially in the winter time, you want to make sure that they hit the road responsibly and prepared. That is why we have created packages with teaching materials and bicycle accessories. Our local offices distribute these to elementary school in 24 locations throughout the Netherlands." said Marc Diks, Managing Director MarCom & Online at Alpina Group.

BikeUp Safety Challenge

The campaign targets elementary school students cycling in grades 6 through 8. Schools will receive teaching materials and items through the Alpina offices where children can ride safely on the road. There is also a BikeUp Safety Challenge where schools can win prizes by uploading their own safe cycling photos and videos. On Nov. 27, Merel Smulders and Marc Diks will choose the winners.

BikeUp Challenge

Merel Smulders in cycling apparel

BMX'er Merel Smulders

Ambassador for the campaign is Dutch BMX rider Merel Smulders, who won a bronze medal at the 2020 Olympics.

"As a competitive cyclist, I am constantly concerned with safety. I am happy that I can transfer my knowledge to new road users in this way" said Merel.

During the campaign, she shared videos with tips on how to safely participate in traffic for elementary school students through Alpina's social media channels.

Tips from Merel

Alpina BikeUp Cycling Week Nov. 6 to 12

Elementary schools in localities with an Alpina office can order the school packets here and get inspiration to incorporate the topic of "being safe on the road" into their curriculum. You can also read more about the BikeUp Safety Challenge and how to upload photos and videos. In addition, follow the Alpina social media channels on Instagram and Facebook for tips from Merel Smulders.

Alpina BikeUp Bike Week

Play video Alpina BikeUp logo with bicycle

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