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aggression in traffic increased
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Aggression in traffic increased according to seven in 10 motorists

Nov 10, 2020
4 min reading time

43 percent dare not point out their behavior to other road users

Frustrating situations occur daily in traffic, resulting in many hand gestures, curses or even (physical) threats. Is this something of all times or is it more common nowadays? And do we still dare to draw each other's attention to inappropriate driving behavior? Alpina conducted research among 1,108 Dutch drivers on aggression in traffic. Curious about the most striking results? You can find them below.

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north hollanders experience least increase in traffic aggression

Aggression in North Holland least increased

The Internet is full of videos of motorists cursing and fighting. It almost seems that only arguing in traffic is happening anymore. The research shows that as many as seven in ten Dutch people experience more aggression in traffic today than two years ago. In North Holland this has increased the least in recent years, in Zeeland the most. How this is in the other provinces, you can see in the visual.

woman banger addressing other road abusers

Women more afraid to address road abuser than men

Anti-social driving behavior almost always increases the risk of accidents. Many motorists would probably prefer to scold traffic thugs. Yet they still often get away with it. The research shows that over forty percent of Dutch drivers do not dare to point out their (often antisocial) driving style to other road users. Women in particular are afraid to point out road abusers' behavior. The differences between men and women divided over different age categories can be found in the visual.

road conflicts audi and bmw drivers

Audi and BMW drivers most involved in road conflicts

Sometimes you see aggressive drivers come to seek redress from other road users. In most cases this ends with a hisser, but sometimes a fierce argument ensues. The study shows that as many as one in five Dutch motorists have been victims of aggression in traffic at some point in their lives, and about a quarter of them have had arguments with other road users on occasion. Strikingly, Audi and BWM drivers in particular are involved in road conflicts. Curious about the exact results divided among the different car brands? Check it out in the visual.

audi and bwm drivers annoy least driving style other

Audi and BMW owners least bothered by other people's driving styles

People who are regularly on the road probably have to deal with them often: the infamous left-hand driver, the slothful slug, or the jerked-up tailgater. Not to mention the nervous person who makes his car turn twice at the traffic light. The survey shows that almost every motorist is annoyed at times by the driving behavior of others. Remarkably, Audi and BMW drivers are least bothered by other people's driving habits. Curious how owners of other car brands experience this? You can see it in the visual.

tougher approach to traffic aggression

Call for tougher crackdown on traffic aggression increases with age

Every aggressive situation in traffic is one too many. But how do we get the number of incidents down? Do you solve this by already paying attention to it during driving lessons or should we make dashcams mandatory? The majority of Dutch motorists believe that more action should be taken against aggression in traffic. The older the respondents, the louder the call for a tougher approach against road aggression. Consult the visual for the exact figures per age category.

Aggression in traffic by province

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