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Home Blog Health care premiums 2024 announced

Health care premiums 2024 announced: key changes listed

Nov. 14, 2023
3 min reading time

On Nov. 12, the latest health care premiums that will apply before 2024 were announced.

Interestingly, most insurers are making a smaller premium adjustment than previously predicted by the government. We have listed the most important trends and conclusions for you:

  • Premium differences between budget policies and in-kind policies have narrowed significantly. This is mainly related to the poor results on the price-fighter products. The in-kind policies traditionally chosen by most policyholders have increased moderately and become very close in price. The range between the four largest health insurers now ranges from €145.85 to €147.45 per month.
  • For the restitution insurance policies - with a few exceptions combination policies with the most freedom of choice of health care providers - premiums have been raised substantially. The increase varies between €9 and €14 per month, VGZ excepted. Compared to the in-kind policy where contracting of health care providers is somewhat limited, the combination policy offers almost complete freedom of choice of health care providers. Admittedly for a significantly higher price, ranging from €158 to over €170 per month.
  • For supplemental health insurance and dental insurance, insurance reimbursements and prices vary widely. Here we see widely varying price increases. This is precisely why it is good to look at terms and conditions to see which supplementary insurance policy (or policies) suits your situation.
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Rising prices

The price increases in the basic insurance policies are partly caused by higher salaries in health care, increasing costs of aging and inflation. In addition, we note the trend that the premium differences between budget insurance and in-kind policies are becoming smaller and smaller. The latter mainly because of the emerging premium difference between budget insurance versus in-kind policies. Which was difficult to explain by insurers.

General price increases in recent years are also putting increasing pressure on consumer budgets. Together with the general price inflation of recent times, we expect many people to make a sharp choice when choosing health insurance. This will again lead to further "downgrading" of both basic health insurance and supplemental insurance.

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Choose the health insurance that fits your situation

As health insurers' pricing policies have further narrowed price differences between most budget and in-kind insurance policies, the value of objective advice and related services is growing. This is where Alpina has distinguished itself for years with an objective comparison site and directly and quickly accessible professional health insurance advisors who help our clients make the right personal choice. Especially now that premium differences are small, it is important to look carefully at the conditions that suit your situation.

We are busy processing all the new premiums and conditions in our healthcare comparer. As soon as it is online you will be able to compare and close immediately!

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