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Why a directors' liability insurance association?

Being a director of an association is not easy. You have to deal with internal decisions and external partners. Debtor problems, conflicts between members or divisions within the board, for example.
Because of such problems you can face a claim for damages ..
These damage claims can be high. And of course you do not want to have to pay for this personally...

When you have a directors' and officers' liability insurance take out you can insure yourself for this.

What are the benefits of a directors' and officers' liability insurance?

There are several advantages of taking out directors directors' and officers' liability insurance. We list a few of them for you:

Financial coverage

With directors' and officers' liability insurance, you are financially supported when you are faced with a claim for damages. This means you do not have to plunder your entire savings account to meet the claim.

Directors' Liability Insurance Association


While it is always important to make well-considered decisions, it is a good idea to be financially covered in the case of mistakes.


The certainty you get from having a directors' and officers' liability insurance is nice. You know that you have certainty when you receive a claim, barring exceptions of course.

Take out director's liability insurance? Calculate your premium!

What is covered by the directors' and officers' liability insurance?

Private assets

Are you held liable as a director? Then your private assets can be used to pay the damages.. A directors' and officers' liability insurance ensures that your private assets are not affected. Please note that this only moneyt for the private assets that are insured up to a certain amount.

Claim by third party

Also called external liability. There is hereis the case when a board member receives a claim for receives from a third party. This party is external to the association. This can be a supplier of goods, for example. You are covered for this damage and any legal costs such as a lawyer.

Claim from the association (internal liability)

It may be that you are be addressed internally. In that case the association holds a board member responsible for certain damage suffered. These are usually costs incurred by the board member on behalf of the association. These can be things such as unauthorised dinners at the expense of the association Association.

Before and after the insurance period

It is possible that you have suffered a loss beforebefore the start of the insurance period. This is called the running-in period. The claim can then still be reimbursed by the insurance. However, this is only possible if the claim was made after the insurance had been taken out.

Have you received a claim after the insurance period has ended? Then this falls under the expiry period. The reimbursement will differ per insurer. It is therefore important to carefully examine your policy conditions.

Calculating the premium for director's liability insurance

You can geget a quick and easy indication of your premium for a directors' and officers' liability insurance. You indicate the legal form for which you want to take out the insurance and the amount. The table will then give you an indication of the expected monthly costs.

Please note: this is an indication. Premiums may vary per chosen coverage. There may also be differences in the terms and conditions.

Easily take out your directors' liability insurance association? You can do it at Alpina

Take out your directors' liability insurance now directly at Alpina. Request a free and fast a quote request. You will receive the quote by email within two days. Not sure what to do with the request? Then feel free to contact our customer service team.

Insurance for drivers

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