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Is damage to my car by someone else compensated?

When you are involved in an accident, this is obviously annoying enough. Of course, good car insurance is indispensable. What to do when you have car damage caused by someone else? In what situations do you have to recover this yourself from the other party? Will you also receive compensation if the culprit is unknown?

Damage to car by someone else

Whether the damage to your car will be compensated by someone else depends largely on the coverage on your car insurance. If your car is all-risk insured, your insurer will recover the damage for you from the other party. It is necessary to fill out a claim form and inform your insurer (or intermediary) about the damage. If you only have limited liability coverage on your car insurance, then other rules apply. In that case the insurer will not recover the damage, but you have to recover the damage yourself from the other party.

You can also use the services of 112damage. They will recover your damages. This way you can calmly recover from the shock and you do not have to worry about the legal settlement of your damage. When there are possibilities for recovery, they will start the recovery action for you. If necessary, the damage will first be assessed by a damage expert.

Damage without offender

Damage to car by third party - perpetrator unknown

In order to obtain compensation for damage to the car caused by third parties, the amount of damage must first be determined. This is done by calling in a damage expert who determines the correct amount of damage for you. For minor damages it is not always necessary to hire a damage expert.

Car insurance? Calculate your premium!

You can only hold the other party liable for the damage if it is known who caused it. If the perpetrator is unknown and you have no information about this person, in some cases you can turn to the Motor Traffic Guarantee Fund. This is only possible if the damage was caused by a motor vehicle. The Waarborgfonds is financed by all insurance companies that provide car insurance in the Netherlands. So indirectly, everyone who has an (insured!) motor vehicle contributes to the Waarborgfonds.


Even if you don't have a lot to spend, it is of great importance to insure your car. It is smart to compare different car insurance policies once in a while. By comparing car insurance policies, you will find out which one suits you and your car best. For example, you may have insured your new car all-risk at the time. For new cars, that's very appropriate coverage. As your car gets older, you may also opt for less comprehensive coverage. By switching, you can save a lot of money. Thus, it pays to compare premiums not only based on the deductible, but also on the form of insurance.

Do you have questions regarding your car insurance deductible or other questions surrounding insurance? Take a look at our frequently asked questions. Here you will find the most frequently asked questions per product. Is your question not listed or do you have additional questions? Please contact us. We will be happy to help you! You can reach us on working days from 08:00 to 18:00 on telephone number 088-6883700.

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To calculate premiums, we need the zip code of the primary driver. For private use, the youngest driver must reside at the same address as the applicant. In case of business use, you can enter the postal code of the company here.
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